Sit And Chat

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 I was still at a point where I could keep working, however, I hadn't been working alongside Deku as much. It made me a bit upset, however, I knew that it was for the best, considering some of the villains he had to deal with.

I was walking along the streets of Tokyo, however, and looking around at the various shops. I was trying to find the coffee shop Himiko, Uraraka, Mina and I were supposedly meeting up at. Deku was telling the guys about the news dusk that day, so I figured I could meet with some of the girls, even though they already knew. We just wanted to have a girls evening.

The journey ended when I saw a familiar sign. I entered the shop and immediately spotted Mina. Sure enough, she was already at a table with Uraraka and Himiko. I knew the drill, so I ordered my beverage and two small treats, [Fav/Treat] and a small, jello cat.

When I walked to the table and sat down, we all made our introductions. After a bit of talking, I got my beverage and food items.

"Sooooo, anything new with you guys?" I asked as I stirred my beverage.

"Hmmmm, not much," Mina chuckled.

"Although, Ochako here got herself a man!" Himiko exclaimed, taking a bite of the mochi she ordered. My eyes widened. I turned to Ochako, who was quietly sipping at her drink.

"Wait, really? Why didn't you tell me about that?" I asked.

"I didn't think you'd care, to be honest," she explained, shrugging it off.

"Of course I would, girl! Who is it? Is it Iida? I know that you two were pretty close in high school." She shook her head.

"No, actually."

"Tsu? Ohhhh, are you a lesbo?"

"Nope, not Tsu." I eyed her and Himiko.

"Are you and Himiko dating each other?" Himiko spit out her mochi, while Mina choked on her drink.

"NO!" Uraraka was sitting here laughing her butt off.

"Nah, but this little shawty wouldn't be a bad catch. I'd totally spoil her even though she's making more money than me now," Himiko said in a fake flirty voice while cleaning up her mess.

"Who is it?" I would've made the guess that it might've been Yo Shindo from Ketsubutsu Academy, since he's similar to Deku (at least from when I've interacted with him), but I didn't want to be insensitive or make her feel bad, knowing everything that's happened.

"You're going to be surprised by this, but actually, I'm dating Katsuki Bakugo," Uraraka said, keeping a calm manner.

"Really? That's kinda shocking. I mean, you two aren't alike at all."

"There was a lot that happened." She went silent after that. I assumed she didn't want to talk about it anymore.

"I'm also dating someone," Himiko said, giggling. I turned to her, another shocked expression painted on my face.

"Who are you dating?" I asked. She giggled again.

"It's a secret." She sipped on her drink, while I turned to Mina.

"Don't tell me you have a secret boyfriend too."

"Well, no, but I would tell you as soon as I got asked out."

I leaned back in my chair and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Damn, we really need to talk more, don't we?"

Uraraka showed me pictures of her and Bakugo together. I found out that she actually got to go to Hawaii with her parents too. She paid for the whole thing too! I was so proud of her!

{Deku's POV}

I invited the guys I was somewhat close with to my and [Y/N]'s apartment that night. I wanted to tell them the news, but didn't want to just call them. Plus, I wanted to hang out and discuss our hero work!

There were only a few guys here, since most were busy. So, sitting in the living room and kitchen were Kacchan, Iida, Kirishima and Kaminari. Most of the night was filled with non-stop talking. Kirishima spent about 20 minutes talking about his workout routine, which started his route to becoming a YouTube trainer on the side. Kaminari told us about how he's finally being taken seriously by the media. Iida told us how successful he's become for his family. Kacchan, however, was rather quiet.

"Yeah, but I've started running a meme page too. Nobody knows I'm the one beh–" A notification went off on Kacchan's phone and when he checked it, he smiled.

"Woah, Bakubro smiling?" Kirishima asked. Kacchan smirked.

"Shut up, Kiri," he replied.

"You've certainly matured since we last spoke, you didn't shout or call Kirishima a disrespectful nickname," Iida said, giving Kacchan a proud smile.

"I've had some good influence, I guess."

"So, who are you smiling at, dude?" Kaminari asked.

"I don't have to tell you guys anything."

"He got a girlfriend," Kirishima said. Kacchan got an angry look.

"I told you not to tell anyone yet!"

"C'mon man, it's been nearly 4 months, I think you guys should get it out there already!"

"Who's the lucky girl, Kacchan? Or guy, who knows?" I piped in.

"It's actually Uraraka." My eyes widened.

"Really? That's great Kacchan! I had no idea that you two liked each other!"

"Well, I didn't know either. She's a really great girl though. She's taught me a lot that I didn't know about myself. Now, wasn't there an announcement you wanted to make?" He smiled ever so slightly.

"Oh, yes! Well, I'm not going to make this long speech, so I'm just going to get straight to it. There's going to be a new addition to the Midoriya family." The guys' reactions were anticlimactic, as expected, but they showed their happiness towards the situation.

"That's great to hear man. You're keeping your nut as a pet," Kaminari said. Now, this statement was so ridiculous, I physically face palmed and had to stop myself from laughing.

"That was out of pocket."

"Sorry, sorry, it's the memes. And I'm trying hard not to imagine you and [Y/N] doing the dirty."

"You're really oversharing here," Kirishima stated.

"Sorry! I'm happy for you guys. I wish you both the best of luck too!"

{[Y/N]'S POV}

As we were walking back to the station, Himiko was looking at her phone, when she suddenly burst out laughing. When we asked her what's so funny, she showed us her screen, which showed someone's post. It read, "When your baddie has a child, y'all are basically just keeping your nut as a pet." "Himiko, what the heck do you look at in your free time?" I asked.

"I'm sorry! It's a meme page that I follow and they usually don't post out of pocket stuff like this!" she exclaimed. Mina, Uraraka and I all exchanged glances.

"That's what they all say," Uraraka said.

"Yeah, but we'll take your word for it," Mina replied.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now