Expanding A Quirk

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 When I woke up the next morning, I still felt the excitement of last night. But, I got up quickly, knowing that classes were starting in an hour. The day went by smoothly and I felt as though time flew by. But, as I was heading to the entrance of the school, Mr. Aizawa stopped me.

"[Y/N], I'd like you to come with me to my classroom, I have something to talk to you about," he said.

"Oh, okay," I replied. I followed him there and when we got into the classroom, he closed the door. The interior was orange, due to the setting sun.

"I noticed that when you were using your Quirk yesterday, you used a lot of concentration to make the sword by closing your eyes, however, when that concentration was broken, the sword became more flimsy. Tell me, how much have you practiced with your Quirk?" I stood there and looked up in thought for a moment.

"Well, when I was thinking about becoming a hero, I would practice for hours each day after school." He leaned against his desk and crossed his arms.

"Tell me a bit about what you did during those hours."

"I usually did what I did last night. Once the sword was fully made, I would swing it at a tree."

He took a few notes, before looking at me with a serious expression. "I think this has a lot to do with you breaking concentration," he said.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I noticed that as soon as you opened your eyes, the concentration was broken. I want you to try using your Quirk again, but tune everything around you out."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I want you to be unable to hear, taste, smell, see or feel anything around you. Just be fully concentrated on using your Quirk. I take it that you have to be able to access water when you use your Quirk?" I nodded.

"Yes, sir."

He left the room for a few minutes and came back with a giant bucket of water. "Is this enough?" he asked.

"Yup," I replied. He nodded and set it down near me. I then started to activate my Quirk. I closed my eyes and focused on tuning out each of my 5 senses first. Soon, sure enough, I could hear or feel anything. It was like I wasn't even in the classroom anymore.

I felt the sword form in my hand, but didn't open my eyes. I kept that concentration. But before long, being unable to hear anything became concerning. I opened my eyes to see that I wasn't even in the classroom anymore.

{Deku's POV}

I put my shoes into my locker and looked around. Still no sign of [Y/N]. "Hey, Uraraka!" I said when I saw a familiar brown haired girl at the locker next to mine.

"Oh, hey Deku!" she replied in her usual, cheery voice.

"Hey, did you see [Y/N] leave by any chance?"

"I saw her go with Mr. Aizawa to his classroom, but that's about it." Huh... I wonder what they were doing.

"I hope that everything's okay."

"I'm sure everything's all good. He might've needed to talk to her about something. Hey, how about we get some mochi while we have some time! I could invite Tsu and Mina!" I smiled.

"Sure, that sounds like fun!"

While eating our mochi, I kept thinking back to [Y/N]'s use of her Quirk. There had to be more to her Quirk than just that. It was cool, but it seemed like something was missing. "Hey, Midoriya, are you okay?" Tsu asked.

"Yeah, you've been quiet for a while," Ashido added.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," I reassured them.

"It seems like something else has been on your mind. Do you wanna talk?"

"Not really. I was just thinking about some things, that's all."

Ever since [Y/N] and I had started dating, things were kinda weird between me and Uraraka. It was like she was distant and spending more time with those outside of our little group. I wanted to ask her if she was bothered by something, but I didn't want to make her upset. It felt like I was going to open up a wound or something. Most times when I look at her while she's at her desk, she just looks sad. She's been spacing out a lot more during class too. It wasn't like her.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

I was in a blue, dream-like setting. There were water droplets floating all around me and a few blobs shaped like different objects. I saw the sword in my hand and when I stepped forward, water rippled around my foot. I stepped towards one of the blobs and took a swing. The blob broke in half, but the sword was still intact! I gasped, jumping in the air and shouting out of excitement. Suddenly, I was back in the classroom and the sword vanished. I looked around in confusion. In front of me there was Mr. Aizawa's desk. It had a line making a dent through it. It looked like my sword made that! But, no, that couldn't be possible! "Did I do that?" I asked.

"Yeah," Mr. Aizawa replied.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't be, it appears that you've got your Quirk a little more managed."

"Yeah, I guess I did."

"Now tell me, what was different about this trial?" I told him everything I knew. It certainly felt like something was different. Maybe the concentration. He nodded and took notes as I spoke. It was weird to see a teacher taking notes now.

By the end of that, I went home feeling fulfilled. I'd just used my Quirk for something! I mean, I vandalized a teacher's property, but I didn't get in trouble! Thank goodness, my aunt would kill me if she found out I had to pay for something. I walked back to the dorms with my head held high. This was a major accomplishment for me. I couldn't wait to tell Deku. He'd for sure be writing all about it in his newest notebook.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now