A Christmas Special

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 After I calmed down, I came to the conclusion that I should just enjoy the time that I have while I can. Plus, winter break was coming up, so I could relax a bit and spend time with everyone else there. I think that Christmas day was my favorite by far though. I woke up to Deku lying next to me. He'd been spending the night with me every night since we heard the news.

I gently shook him awake. "Izuku, honey, Merry Christmas," I said in a soft tone. His eyes fluttered open and he smiled.

"Merry Christmas sunshine," he replied, reaching for his glasses and putting them on. I wasn't sure if there'd be any presents under the tree for us, besides the ones we'd gotten each other, but I hoped that everyone at least liked the ones I got them. I spent a lot of money on gifts for everyone there, including the teachers.

I leaned down and gave Deku a passionate kiss. When we pulled away, he smiled. "C'mon, let's go downstairs," he said. We went downstairs, not even bothering to get ready and saw that most of the Dekusquad was down here.

"Hey, where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Oh, they're still asleep, ribbit," Tsu answered. I went to the kitchen to grab a little something to eat for breakfast. It wasn't anything special, it was literally just [Fav/Cereal] with [Fav/Juice], but I had it in a Christmas themed bowl and glass.

"Hey, [Y/N], later, do you wanna help me make cookies as a surprise for everyone?" Sato asked.

"Sure! That'd be fun."

"Yeah, and we could leave them outside each person's dorm."

When we opened presents, Aizawa actually joined us. Everyone had gotten presents for each other, so there was a lot of wrapping paper laying around.

{Deku's POV}

[Y/N]'s present to me was neatly wrapped. It was a smaller box, but I didn't care, as long as it was from her. I gently opened it and found– "Hold up, where did you find this?" I asked. In my hand, I held a box that contained a rare All Might figurine that had been discontinued a few years ago.

"I found it on eBay," she replied.

"But, this thing has been discontinued for years!" She chuckled.

"Do you like it at least?"

"Are you kidding? I love it!" I tackled her into a bear hug and started kissing her all over her face. She laughed.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

Deku handed me a bag that was filled with [Fav/Color] tissue paper. "Also, hun, I'll like anything you give me. You could've just given me a gift card and I would've loved it because it's from you," he said. I smiled.

"Aw, thanks, same to you, honey," I replied. I carefully removed the tissue paper and looked into the bag to see what looked like fabric. I gently pulled out whatever it was and saw that it looked just like the hero costume I had in mind.

"Yaoyorozu was the one who made it, but I helped her with getting the details correct." I felt tears come to my eyes.

"Thank you so much, I love it!"

The festivities lasted a long time. We ended up doing a lot for Christmas. We watched [Fav/Christmas movie] and Sato and I ended up baking cookies with some new baking supplies he'd received as a gift from multiple people.

They were regular sugar cookies with those crystal sprinkles, but in the shape of Christmas stuff like Christmas trees, reindeer and stars. He handed me a few plates, which I brought up to those in their dorms. I would just leave them outside and knock, then quickly run to the next dorm. But, I got to Mina's dorm and something different had happened. I heard the voices of multiple girls. That explains why no one was answering their doors before. "I just, I don't know what to do," Uraraka said.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Ochako," Mina replied.

"I've been trying so hard to get over him, but I don't know why I can't."

"Hey, just trying to think of things you don't like about him, that should help you. Sorry," Jiro said.

"I've tried to do that, but I love literally everything about him. How am I supposed to hate someone I love?"

"And you've told Izuku how you feel?" I covered my mouth.

"Yes, I did, but because I didn't want to get in the way of his and [Y/N]'s relationship." I placed the plate of cookies down. I stole her man! I felt tears well up in my eyes.

I quickly went downstairs and ran outside. I needed fresh air. I didn't care that it was snowing and I didn't have a jacket. I told myself I'd never be that type of person. I would never steal another girl's man. She loved him before I ever did. I didn't want to see anyone else, so I kept running until I couldn't run anymore. I nearly reached UA, just before stopping to lean over to pant. I could see my breath. I heard some footsteps behind me. I turned around and saw Deku, Himiko, Uraraka and Mina standing there. I felt tears running down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry, Uraraka," I said.

"[Y/N]," she replied.

"I didn't realize you were in love with him."

"It's okay, really. I was talking with the other girls and they're going to help me get over him."

"I still feel bad though. I stole him from you." Deku looked at the others, motioning for them to go back to the dorms.

"Hun, let me tell you something," Deku said. They started walking back to the dorms.


"I love you, not Uraraka. I won't love her, I will always love you. She's becoming fine with it, so it's okay, love." He wrapped his arms around me and I slowly fell to the ground. The snow was cold against my skin. I was shivering already.


"I chose you."

We sat there for a few minutes, before he started to help me up. "C'mon, let's go inside, it's getting cold," he said.

"Alright," I replied. He somehow made me feel better so quickly. How could one person do that? I felt so lucky to have him. When we got back to the dorms, he immediately got some warm clothes for me to wear and had me go take a warm shower.

When I got out, he was waiting for me with some cake and hot chocolate. He gave me his hoodie to wear and let me sit in his lap while I ate. The rest of the class was at some tree lighting ceremony, so it was just us. We watched another Christmas movie and just cuddled the entire time. How was I meant to leave this in less than a month? I couldn't leave him.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now