Telling The Parents

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 "So, what did you wanna meet me for?" Himiko asked, taking a small sip of her tea. I had invited her over to tell her the news, since sending her a text just wouldn't be the same. She sat across the counter from me, with her legs crossed and a curious look on her face.

"I just had some news I wanted to tell you," I replied, holding my tea with a somewhat shaky hand.

"Ooh, news? Good or bad?"

"Oh, it's good, very good news." I couldn't contain the smile on my face. I was trying to keep a somewhat calm composure, or at least, have a small grin rather than a full face smile.

"Well, spill it! Go ahead and tell me!" I practically shook with excitement.

"You know the last time we saw each other, when I mentioned those stomach aches that I was having?" She set her tea down, eyes wide.


"Well, you were correct. It was morning sickness." She gasped.

"Really?! You're gonna be a mom?!" I nodded happily.

"Yup!" She got up and ran around the counter to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you guys! I'm gonna be an auntie! Well, sorta." I laughed, hugging her back.

"Hey, you are like a sister to me!"

This week is gonna be such a big week. First, I was telling Himiko, then Deku and I were gonna be telling his mom and All Might and my parents, since they were finally visiting again. Possibly together too, my parents were talking about wanting to have dinner with Mrs. Midoriya and Deku's dad... who they still don't know the truth about.

Himiko stayed over for a few hours. We talked for so long that we didn't even notice the time. After a while, she left, shortly before Deku came home. "Hey honey, you just missed Himiko by 5 minutes," I chuckled. He took the mask from his hero costume off.

"Oh yeah, I passed by her as I was walking to our apartment. She was so quick to say congratulations," he replied.

"By the way, what are we doing for dinner tomorrow? Did your mom say anything about having dinner with my parents?"

"Yeah, she actually said that it'd be great."

"Oh, perfect!"

So the next day, we prepared for dinner, which I was somewhat nervous about. It was gonna be Mrs. Midoriya, All Might and my parents coming over to our little apartment for dinner. Deku was actually the one preparing the dinner. I wanted to help out, but he insisted that I rest.

I came into the kitchen after a bit to look at what he was making. It appeared to be udon. "Going a little bit easy tonight?" I asked. He looked up from the pot he was using.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be a try hard," he replied, laughing as he did. I laughed.

"I get that, plus, udon's good. My dad's favorite Japanese dish, actually." He and I smiled a bit.

"Hey, are you feeling okay?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, I am, why do you ask?" I replied.

"I just wanted to make sure." He wrapped an arm around me with his free arm, pulling me to him and kissing my forehead. I giggled, wrapping both arms around him.

"My hero."

"I'm sorry I haven't been around as often, hero work just gets so busy."

"No, no, it's okay, I have other people that can help me out, plus, I know it's your job. You gotta do what you gotta do, love."

After a little while, we heard a knock on the door. "I think that's them," I said. I started to get up, to which Deku gently put a hand on my arm.

"I'll get it, don't worry love," he beamed.

{Deku's POV}

I opened the door to see my mom and All Might standing there. I figured it'd be [Y/N]'s parents here first for some reason. Or if it was my mom and All Might, it'd be one or the other, not both. "Hey mom, hey All Might!" I exclaimed. My mom immediately embraced me into a hug.

"There's my handsome son!" she beamed, practically squeezing the air out of me.

"I missed you too, mom." I wrapped my arms around her. It was nice to receive a hug from mom after a few weeks.

When she released me, I ushered her and All Might inside. He bulked up. "Young Midoriya, come give your old man a hug!" he said. It was a somewhat bizarre thing to hear coming from All Might. 'Come give your old man a hug'. It sounds too similar to when teenage boys ask, "Where my hug at?", except what All Might was saying was something a father would normally say. I guess that's why it sounded so weird. Wow, I'm really exposing myself here. Nonetheless, I gave him a hug.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in forever," I replied. I closed the door.

"Yes, yes, tell me boy, how's your hero work going? I've seen you in some headlines recen–" He coughed and went back to being, well, small and boney.

"I'm still never gonna get used to that," [Y/N] added, chuckling a bit.

I talked with All Might a bit, while [Y/N] talked to my mom. It was all about my hero work, which I loved. Wow. As a kid, I never thought I'd get here. Talking about my own hero work with my hero. So casually too!

{[Y/N]'S POV}

"Yeah, yeah, it's all patrols and just helping people get to safety. I've only been called into some pretty bad crime scenes a few times though," I explained.

"Oh, that sounds scary as for the crime scenes!" Mrs. Midoriya replied. I shrugged.

"It's not that bad to be honest. It's mainly just break ins or when a villain has been cornered." There was a knock on the door, which Deku answered. I leaned forward and saw that my parents were entering. I stood up (with little trouble) and walked over.

I was met with an immediate embrace from the both of them. "There's our pro hero!" my dad said.

"And is that the famous Inko Midoriya I've been hearing so much about?" my mom asked when her eyes fell onto Mrs. Midoriya's green hair.

"Guilty as charged," Mrs. Midoriya laughed.

They both seemed awfully confused when they saw All Might, having recognized him in his regular form from the news. This led to lengthy conversation of how he's like a mentor and father figure to Deku. After everybody introduced themselves, it was a long night of talking.

When dinner was ready, we all sat down and ate, but the conversations didn't stop. It made me beyond happy to hear my and Deku's families getting along. It was mainly my mom talking to Mrs. Midoriya and my dad talking to All Might, which was expected.

After we finished our dinner, that's when we decided to make the announcement. "So, we have an announcement to make," Deku said, holding my hand. We looked at each other, smiling while Deku squeezed my hand.

"We're expecting," I said. A silence fell among the table. Mrs. Midoriya gasped.

"Wait, really?" my dad asked. I nodded. I could see my mom smiling.

"So... I'm gonna be a grandma?" Mrs. Midoriya asked.

"Yup," Deku beamed.

"Congratulations young Midoriyas! What does that make me?" All Might asked.

"That would make you a non-biological grandpa," I said.

"Hey, still a grandpa! ...I feel old. But that means there's gonna be an even younger Midoriya!" Laughter filled the table when he said that. Then, it was back to chatter. Deku and I looked at each other through this, smiling huge smiles at each other.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now