Just A Crush

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 Over the weeks, I've been falling more and more in love with Deku. Everything he does is perfect. I just think that he's so cute when he goes on his little rants about heroes. "Hey, [Y/N], I have something to show you," Deku said.

"Oh?" I replied. We'd hung out in his dorm that night, so there were snacks and blankets scattering the floors. He got up and walked over to his dresser. He opened it up and pulled something out of one of the drawers.

"Okay, please don't freak out, but open this." He handed me the notebook.

"Did you plan a murder in here?" He chuckled.


"Oh, I got it: It's your secret plan to take over the world."

"I wish, but no."

"Wait, wait, wait, don't tell me you started drawing hentai– wait, YOU WISH?!"

"Just open it, weirdo." I flipped open the cover and saw a drawing of... me?

"Is that me?" I asked, showing him the picture. He nodded. I started looking through the pages. He'd written a lot of stuff about me. And he drew me as a hero?! It wasn't like a lot of really personal information, like my address or shampoo brand. It was stuff like my favorite food and preferred anime characters.

"Sorry if it's really creepy or anything, you know, maybe I shouldn't have done it, you probably think that it's really weird that I'd document stuff like this, I understand if you–" I cut him off by grabbing the collar of his shirt and pressing his lips against mine.

"I love it. I think it's sweet that you notice the little things about me."

"R-Really?" I nodded. I straightened out his shirt.

After that was all over and I finished reading through the notebook, I closed it and smiled. He thought I was this special? Just the fact that he took time out of his day to write about me instead of his idols.

I handed him back the notebook.

{Deku's POV}

That weekend, I decided to go outside of the dorms to train. At night, it was so quiet and calm. This made it easier to focus on gaining more strength. I was practicing using my legs again. It seemed to be a pattern for me. One day is arm day, then abs, then legs. I do this every night either outside of the dorms or at the beach, if I'm visiting home.

I had airpods in each time and was listening to rap songs for Demon Slayer and Dragon Ball Z characters. I usually listened to anime or video game-inspired rap songs while training. The amount of times I'd snuck my airpods into class training sessions is insane. I physically cannot train without music.

I soon stopped when I noticed a familiar brunette out of the corner of my eye. "Oh, hey Uraraka," I said. I took my earbuds out and put them back into their case.

"Hi Deku," she replied. There was a bowl in her hand.

"Oh, what's that?" I pointed to the bowl. She gave me a confused look and then looked down at the bowl and laughed.

"Oh yeah, we made Katsudon for dinner and I noticed that you weren't there, so I brought some out to you." She held out the bowl and a spoon, which I took.

"Thanks!" She smiled and put her hands together in a praying motion.

"It's my pleasure Deku." She closed her eyes.

I could sense that she was sad, but I didn't know why. "Hey, Uraraka?" I asked.

"Hm?" she replied.

"Are you okay? You've seemed a bit down for the past month and haven't been acting like yourself." She sighed.

"Was it really that obvious?"

"Yes, what's wrong? Is it something going on at home or with your parents?" She stayed silent. That was the problem. I gently took her hand and guided her to the side of the building, where we sat down. I looked at her and saw that she was clearly trying not to cry.

"I'm sorry, Deku! I've really tried to stay quiet about this because I didn't want to interfere with your life, but it just hurts so much!" I stared at her with a confused look, setting the spoon in the bowl and the bowl in the grass. It still looked perfect as ever.

"What? My life?" I thought she was upset about something going on in her life.

"I shouldn't have said anything, I'm sorry! Just forget that I said anything." By this time, she was clearly crying, having to take pauses between words to sniffle.

"No, please, tell me what's wrong. Maybe I can help you fix it!" She wiped her nose with her fingers.

"You can't, that's the thing. I'm just going to make things worse by telling you. I want you to live your life happily and not worry about me."

"Uraraka. Just tell me."

"Okay, fine. I've had feelings for you for a long time, but I didn't know how to tell you." This shocked me. I hadn't even noticed.

"Oh... I had no idea."

"Yeah, I could tell, but once you started dating [Y/N], it hurt."


"I've been trying so hard to be happy for you. I just didn't want to say anything."

"Really, it's okay."

"I'm sorry, I'm a horrible person, I know!"

"Uraraka! Stop apologizing, you're not a horrible person." There was another silence, filled with the sounds of her crying. I really didn't know what to do at this moment. I pulled her into an embrace. In the moment, all that I could do was comfort my friend.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

This weekend, me and a bunch of the girls were planning a girls' day. On Saturday, it was going to be a full 24 hours of just us girls. No boys allowed. It was just us girls and a bunch of different locations. This would include riding the subway a lot, but hey, it was worth it! As long as there was food involved at some point, I was happy.

I already had my fit all planned out for the day. I set it, folded up, on my desk and closed my closet. I flopped down on my bed and debated between watching YouTube or reading [Fav/Book]. I ultimately decided on reading, since I would be going to sleep soon. Reading occasionally makes me tired, so the blue light from my phone wouldn't be the best for this situation. Eventually, it came to a point where I was reading the same line over and over again. That was my sign that I should probably get to bed sooner.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now