Back At UA

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 We decided that we weren't going to sell the house, however, we didn't know how long we'd be gone. After getting everything packed, Deku and I were off to Tokyo. While driving, we went through various towns which had gone through major destruction. Most of them had soot and garbage all over the streets. Very few people were still there and most of the time, there were only law officials and heroes on the scene. It was so sad to see these homes and businesses once filled with happy folk torn to the ground. It made me wonder what happened to those people. Did they even survive?

Upon arriving in Tokyo, it looked kinda scary. Everything was so dark. No one was on the streets. The sun wasn't even shining. It was all dark clouds. Deku parked the car in a random spot on the side of the street and looked at me, his hand resting on the steering wheel. We both had our hero costumes on. Him, because he was immediately looking at helping the other pros, me, because mine had some armor so it should protect me if I have to leave UA. We had decided that I'd be taking shelter in UA, along with a bunch of other people.

"It's all gonna be okay, you know?" Deku said.

"But what if it's not? What if you get hurt?" I replied.

"I'll be okay. I killed multiple of those Nomus."

"Yes, yes, I know. Seriously hun, just be careful." Tears started flowing from my eyes.

"Hey, honey, come here." He leaned over the console and hugged me.

"I don't want you to leave!"

{Deku's POV}

Hearing those words pulled at my heart. I didn't want to leave either. She comes before my hero work, but to keep her safe, I have to do my hero work. Outside, it started to pour. It was just us, the sounds of the rain outside and our heartbeats.

I saw Mina and Kirishima running out towards our car. "YOU'RE HERE?! MIDORIYA, [Y/N]?!" Mina exclaimed, her screams sounding as if she was in a horror movie. It caught [Y/N]'s attention, causing her to pull away from the hug and look outside. We both got out of the car. Mina and Kirishima embraced us both.

"We thought you guys were dead!" Kirishima replied. Both of them were unrecognizable. Mina looked so sad. So tired. Kirishima's eyes were bloodshot. As if he hadn't slept in days.

When we all pulled away, I explained the situation. "[Y/N]'s going to stay here at UA. Keep her safe for me, please," I said.

"Yes, of course," Mina answered. [Y/N] latched onto me, her arms tight around me.

"But, Midoriya, do you think it's a good idea for you to go back out there?" Kirishima asked.

"I'll be fine, don't worry about it. If things get too out of hand, I'll come right back here." I rubbed the top of [Y/N]'s head in hopes to comfort her a bit before I left.

"I gotta go now," I said. I tried to pull away from [Y/N], but she gripped onto me tighter.

"NO! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!" she screamed, her voice tugging at my heart. She was making this so hard. I didn't want to leave my baby, but I didn't have a choice.

Mina and Kirishima ended up having to pull her off of me. "NOOOOOOO!" she screamed. They had to put her on the ground just so I could leave.

"I'm sorry, [Y/N]," I replied. The amount of pain in my heart practically made me feel numb. I couldn't have room for sympathy at that moment. Save my tears for later. I'd be seeing her again. It was just a see you later for now. We would live a happy life together.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

Mina and Kirishima had to practically drag me inside. When inside, I didn't pick myself up for the next hour. I just lay there, feeling heartbroken. That might've just been the last time I saw my husband, Izuku Midoriya.

When I finally decided to get up, I took a look around the room. It was the front of UA, where the shoe lockers are. Uraraka was sitting there with a towel. She looked almost unrecognizable. Her eyes no longer had that brightness to them. Her hair was matted. Scars on her face. Her right arm in a sling. "Here," she said, setting the towel down and using her free hand to help me up.

"I'm basically dry right now," I replied.

"Your clothes are soaked, I'll take you to Bakugo so he can get you clean clothes." She started walking me towards one of the classrooms. Inside, there were racks of clothing, along with some people drinking hot chocolate and watching the news. It looked like a depressing ski lodge.

I saw Bakugo before long. "She needs warm clothes, size [Clothing size]," Uraraka explained. Bakugo turned around and took a look at me, his eyes falling into realization.

"[Y/N]?" he replied. I nodded sadly.

"Yeah," I said. He turned around and got a few clothing items off of the rack. It was so weird seeing him so serious and not in an aggressive way.

After I got changed in one of their changing rooms and walked back out, Bakugo brought me into a separate room. He sat me down at one of the desks. "Where's Midoriya? Is he?" he asked. Hearing his name made tears come to my eyes.

"No, he's out fighting," I replied, my voice cracking with every word. I didn't even feel embarrassed to cry in front of him at this point.

"He decided to fight?"

"Yes! I'm scared!" I rested my elbows on my knees and buried my face in my hands. I was shocked to feel Bakugo's arms wrap around me. He would never show this empathy to anyone. This war is really bad.

"I've missed you guys, do you realize that?" he asked, his voice breaking. Was he crying? Is he okay?

Over time, I calmed down. I was just watching the news with everyone else. That night, Deku actually did come back, but everything was bittersweet. He seemed so drained of energy and I felt horrible for him.

After a while of this, we had to sleep. I didn't want to sleep, but I had to to keep my strength up.

Deku was able to sleep with and comfort me. However, there was no guarantee that he was gonna be there when I woke up, considering how early he had to get up for his hero work.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now