Kind Of Violent

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 The rest of the week was pretty uneventful. Everyone was prepping for exams, while I barely even studied. So, I sat on my phone in my dorm, scrolling through [Fav/Social media platform].

Everything was boring online now. No news other than celebrity news. Not that I want anything bad to happen, it's just that I want more wholesome news stories. Although, I did get some posts about dogs. Sometimes, I miss the chill vibes of 2019 TikTok.

The next day at school, it was the same routine. I was trying to spend more time with Toga, which caused me to receive some backlash, but I didn't care. As long as they weren't physically harming me or vandalizing my stuff, I could handle it.

Toga and I were walking through the halls that day, on our way to lunch, when suddenly, she was pushed forward by some guy. "Freak!" he said. Toga stumbled forward, surprised by what just happened. I was pretty surprised too. I turned to look at this guy. He had black hair and bangs, which slightly covered his right eye. I didn't believe I'd seen him before. He was probably in one of my classes. I quickly rushed to Toga's side, touching her forearm.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she responded. I turned to look at the guy. He was walking away already.

"HEY!" I yelled, sprinting towards him. Before he could even turn around, I leaped and tackled him to the ground. He turned over and I started punching him. People were yelling at me to stop and he was yelling at me to get off of him.

I was pulled off of him by a teacher and I saw the damage I'd done. It was just a bloody nose from what I could see. We were both taken up to principal Nezu's office quickly. We both had to sit next to each other across from Nezu, while two other staff members were present in the room. The guy was holding a piece of toilet paper to his nose and I had my hands gripped together. "Now, what seems to be the problem here?" Nezu asked, stirring some tea as he spoke.

"This young lady attacked this poor young man for seemingly no reason," one of the staff members replied.

"But he–"

"[L/N], no talking until you are told to do so," the other staff member barked, cutting me off. I grumbled and slumped back in the chair.

"I'd like to hear both of your sides of the story, starting with this young man," Nezu said, sipping some tea.

"I was just walking down the hall, going to the cafeteria, when she just tackled me and started punching me out of nowhere," he said. This guy is full of crap. Nezu nodded in understanding.

"And this young lady?"

"He smacked my best friend in the back of the head and called her a freak, so I was only doing her justice! Also, the amount of people here who have called her slurs and physically harmed her is unacceptable, why don't you guys do anything about it? It's a school full of pro heroes and people who claim that they wanna be heroes, I don't think it's very heroic to have this type of abuse going on in this school!" I explained.

"I see... you do bring up some good points there, however, no one has reported this harassment to the school board. And while what you say he did wasn't very heroic, it also wasn't very heroic of you to stand up for your friend by being violent. We do need more witnesses so we can prove that you're being truthful with your words." I looked down. He did have a point, but it seemed like the only appropriate way to deal with this.

Principal Nezu did end up getting more witnesses from the hallway. More than half of them said that they did see the other guy hit and yell at Toga. "Okay, I have come up with a solution, you're both going to be put on house arrest for 3 days," Nezu said.

"What?!" I replied.

"Just because I did a harmless little smack?" the guy asked.

Coming back to the dorms felt odd. I was gonna be staying here for the next few days. Mina came up to my dorm. "Hey, we convinced Principal Nezu to organize a spirit week next week," she said.

"That's cool," I replied.

"By the way, I heard that you gave that jerk what he deserved. Toga's really grateful that you stood up for her." I smiled a bit.

"I'm glad that someone's actually proud of me." Mina stayed up there with me for a little bit, talking about the spirit week happening. I was just glad that I wasn't gonna be on house arrest throughout that week. I assumed that a spirit week here would be so much better than what we had back in America.

Apparently, the themes were actually going to be some fun ones. I was kinda excited for that week. I just had to get these three days over and then I'd be good.

{Deku's POV}

I heard about what happened while I was walking back to the dorms. I had wondered why [Y/N] hadn't been at lunch and why the cafeteria seemed kinda empty, so I knew something was up.

When I found out that she punched a student for being disrespectful to Toga, I couldn't have been more proud. And she technically didn't take the first violent step. The guy did hit Toga in a way that could've made her fall to the ground and break something if she wasn't more balanced. At least that guy got what he deserved.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

I decided to step out of my dorm for a while and socialize with the others. They were all shocked by what happened. I guess that the word got around pretty quick. I just hoped that this wouldn't drag my reputation through the dirt. The last thing I wanted was to be viewed as that one girl who beat a student up. He deserved it though. Just as everyone else in Class 1-A thought. That's saying something. We all spent the rest of the day talking about the events of today. After everybody was finally done talking about it, Deku and I got some time together.

He was happy with how things went apparently. Just glad that I didn't get hurt during that situation. I was thankful to be dating such a nice guy. My sweet man. "So, how'd you hit him?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I replied.

"You know, upper-cut, direct hit, rear hook?"

"Oh, I hit him with that right hook."

"Good girl." Hearing that gave me butterflies. I blushed and buried my face into his chest, to which he rested his hand on my upper back. He smiled.


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