The Big Question

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I can't believe that I forgot to add this, but all of the spirit week ideas are from TheCløudz-Chan on Quotev.

After coming back to the dorms and going to bed, the next day was filled with a lot of stuff. For one, everyone was being handed pamphlets about different jobs and careers we could have. I immediately went for the support hero information. I had to do a ton of research and take a bunch of notes, but it was all worth it. My advisor helped me a lot, guiding me and helping me look for websites. I did have to take a career quiz to see what other career options would be best for me and most of them had to do with hero work. One of the career options was being a straight up hero, which I scoffed at. "What's up?" my advisor asked when she heard that.

"Oh, nothing, I just saw the words 'Pro hero' and thought that was funny," I replied.

"You know, Mr. Aizawa told me about how you improved with your Quirk." She smiled.


"Yeah! I think that if you just practice a bit more and strengthen both your physical body and your Quirk, you could probably start out as a support hero and then work your way up to sidekick, then become a pro. Just think about it for me, okay? You don't have to decide right away."

She did have a point. I thought about it a lot that day. "Hey, Himiko!" I called to Himiko when I saw her walking the halls. I caught up to her and she turned around, smiling.

"Hey [Y/N]!" she replied. I was panting a lot, even from that short amount of walking.

"Man, these hallways are long." She chuckled.

"Did you take the career quiz today?"

"Yup! I scored the most for hero, support hero, and veterinarian."

"That's cool! I scored the most for multiple positions in the police department. Mainly for going undercover, with a Quirk like mine, I could see why."

I think it was perfect that we were taking career quizzes today. The spirit day for today was pro heroes, so everyone was dressed as their favorite pro hero. I went dressed as [Fav/Pro Hero] and Toga was dressed as Mirko.

Everyone else was dressed in impressive costumes. Kirishima was dressed as Crimson Riot and Tokoyami was dressed as Hawks. Uraraka was dressed as a female Gunhead and Mina was dressed as Mt. Lady. Deku was dressed as, can you guess who? All Might.

It was cool to see those dressed in cosplays of heroes who worked here getting pictures with the teachers. It felt like I was at a con or some sorta heroes event. It seemed like a lot of people were excited for today's. And there was going to be a dance on Friday.

Mina had told me to stay in the dorms until the sun went down tonight. I guess that Deku had some sorta surprise for me outside. Thankfully, they chose to do this on a night when it was gonna be 70°. That way, I wouldn't be freezing balls in the winter weather.

I'd gone to the dorms and, before getting out of cosplay, took a few pictures, with the help of Momo, to post on social media and in the irl photos section of our Discord server. I also posted videos on my TikTok account. I was kinda hoping to get out of cosplay quicker, but I wanted to show it off for a bit first before I got out of make-up and everything.

When I finally peeled myself out of the cosplay, I got into some regular clothes and worked on some homework. After getting my homework all done, I looked outside to see that we were at dusk. I wondered if it was safe to go outside yet. It was just dark enough to where I had to turn on the lights in my dorm room, so maybe it was dark enough to see what Deku had planned for me.

I texted Mina to see what she had to say. She told me that I could come outside, but to take my time walking. Apparently, Uraraka was gonna be walking me to the area we were supposed to be going to. I felt the need to wear something kinda nice, so I put on a nicer shirt and some shoes with a slight heel.

I walked down to the front of the dorms, where Uraraka was waiting. She was wearing some regular sweats, so I felt more comfortable with what I was wearing. "You look nice [Y/N]," she said with a smile.

"Thanks, but I kinda envy what you're wearing right now," I replied.

"I envy what you're wearing, not gonna lie." We both chuckled and she started leading the way.

"I hope that they didn't interrupt you if you were doing something."

"No, I actually volunteered to help. I wanted to help Deku out with this." She's so nice.

We walked in silence for a while. How far away was this thing? "You know, you and I don't really talk that much, do we?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've noticed that," she replied.

"I wanna change that. I wanna be your friend." She smiled a bit.

"I do too."

"Why did we never really hang out?"

"I'm kinda working through my own stuff right now. I don't wanna plague you with my problems."

"Hey, if you ever need to talk to someone, you can always talk to me. Even if I'm asleep."

"I wouldn't wanna wake you."

"Just spam me with calls to wake me up, I'll answer and you can vent to me, I don't care how late it is, if you're not feeling well mentally, you're not feeling well mentally. I want you to talk to me and know that you are safe with me. I may not give good advice but I'll offer an ear to listen."

{Deku's POV}

My heart pounded in my chest. I know that she's probably going to say yes, but you never know. I was going to just ask her after class on Monday, but I wanted to make it a special, memorable experience for the both of us, that we could tell.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that I'd finally seen her and Uraraka walking towards the area that we chose for this event. This special occasion. I hoped that this entire set-up wasn't too much or too overwhelming for her. What if I tried too hard? Maybe simpler is better. It wasn't until I finally got a good view of her that I stopped worrying. She looked beautiful.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

When we finally reached where we were supposed to be, I could see a bunch of lights. They were the fairy lights, all strung around the trees. I saw a few of our friends around, most of them just sitting and watching. There was a long walkway, made with more lights. I looked at the end of the walkway and saw Deku, dressed in a nice tux. He was carrying a bouquet of flowers and motioned for me to come forward. I started walking towards him. I reached him and when I did, he handed me the flowers. [Fav/Flower]s. I smelled them. They smelled delightful, their aroma tickling my nostrils. "[Y/N], will you go to the dance with me?" he asked. I smiled.

"Yes, of course I will," I replied. I heard our friends clap. Deku leaned in and kissed me. I felt so happy at that moment. We pulled away after a few moments.

"I'm so glad you said yes," he said.

"Of course I would. But, why did you put in so much work? I was kinda scared you were already proposing. You could've just texted me," I replied.

"Well, yeah, but I wanted to make it special. Something that you'll remember."

"You're too sweet Izu." He chuckled and took my hands.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now