Popping The Question

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 Moving into the dorms was a lot of fun. My friends from my school were all helping each other out. It was cool seeing their styles, since I'd never gone over to any of their houses. I made my room perfect. It had not too much, but not too little. Deku liked my room, as he was the first person to see it from UA. Yaoyorozu helped me out with the interior design. She helped me place the posters perfectly and, since my room's floor did look a little bit empty, she sent me a website that made anime themed rugs. I settled on a rug with an aesthetic of [Fav/Anime series]. It looked kinda like the Animal Crossing products, where they have different items within the game decorating the merch. In this case, it was stuff from [Fav/Anime series]. When I finished my room, I stared at my masterpiece. It was perfection.

I eventually flopped down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling.

It was soon interrupted when Mina came running into my room. "[Y/N], we're having a watch party tonight, quick, get into your pajamas and get out here!" she exclaimed. I chuckled a bit and got up. I quickly changed into some comfy [Fav/Video Game] pajamas and went down to the main room.

Said watch party was not so much of a "watch party", as it was just watching cable TV for the commercials. But, we soon found our target commercial. It was a Burger King ad with... Mina dancing in it?! "Ayeeeee, look at you go girl!" I exclaimed.

"Okay, off-topic though, why is this song so fire?" Denki replied.

"I know, right?" Jiro added. "I might do a cover of this song."

We ended up having a little party while we were down there. Although, Bakugo was already asleep. I baked some cookies with Sato.

Later on, Deku ended up coming up to me. "Hey, would you like to chill in my dorm with me?" he asked.

"Oh, sure," I replied. We went up to his room and it looked really nice. I sat down on his bed and smiled.

"Sooooooo, did you see the new video on [Fav/YouTuber]'s channel?"

"Yes, of course! They're my favorite!" We sat there and talked non-stop about them.

That conversation later turned into a talk about Deku's middle school years. It sounded like he was told by Katsuki to 'take a swan dive off the roof'. When he said that, it took my right back to my first year of high school. You're so useless [Y/N]. That Quirk isn't gonna get you anywhere. Hey, I'll help you make that decision, pick up that knife and go through with it! "[Y/N]?"


"Are you okay? You just kinda started zoning out."

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

There was an awkward silence. "This is crazy, huh?" Deku said.

"Yeah," I replied.

"You know, I'm glad that you're here. It's gonna be a lot of fun. And come to think about it, I've never actually seen you use your Quirk before."

"Oh, yeah, I guess that you haven't. Would you want to?"

"Yes! That'd be so fun! Oh, how about we go out to the river and you can try it out there!"


He kept raving on and on about my Quirk and how cool it was. I had a feeling that once he saw it, it wouldn't be as amazing. He'd be rather disappointed with the result. I can't even strike anything with that sword. It turns back into water within the first use. I can't make a dent or anything. Gosh, my Quirk is useless! Yeah, it's cool, but I don't see any movie studios in high demand of Quirks that turn water into swords!

We ended up watching some show on his laptop, making sure that we were both comfy. I was curled up with a blanket, while he was doing the same. It was Jujutsu Kaisen, I'm pretty sure. Deku seemed invested. I found it cute how he would turn to me and explain certain characters.

During that, he ended up getting up to go tell the others something. I took this time to check my phone, just to see that the Discord server was blowing up. Everyone was raving about Mina's commercial. I don't blame them. I'd be raving about it too if I wasn't so tired.

I spent the next few minutes scrolling through the bunches of Discord messages. Everyone had stopped typing out of nowhere for some reason. It made me wonder if it had anything to do with what Deku was telling them. I wanted to listen in, but didn't want to seem nosy. It was probably a personal matter. Something that I didn't even know about. It shouldn't be my business.

Suddenly, the chat was active again, no chat revive ping needed. They were all talking about... a broccoli asking [Fav/Food] to be his girlfriend? What kind of weird, dark, twisted fanfiction is this? I wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say, so instead sent random gifs that I found. I ended up being like one of my friends from middle school and only replying to messages with pictures. They all got a kick out of that. They seemed to love the anime memes I sent too. I'd call that a win in my book.

Deku came back upstairs a few minutes later. "Hey, what's all of this broccoli and [Fav/Food] fiasco in the server?" I asked.

"Oh, it's nothing," he replied. I sent a truck load of memes after that, all cursed, in an attempt to hear their laughter downstairs. Sure enough, I soon heard an eruption of laughter.

"PENIS PARKER?!" one of them exclaimed.

"I CAN'T BREATHE~" someone replied in a flirty voice.

"YEAH, THE BOOTLEG VERSION OF PENI PARKER!" I yelled. Deku gave me a shocked look.

We went back to watching. Pretty soon, Deku turned to me, looking nervous. "Hey, [Y/N], there's something I've been meaning to ask you about," he said.

"What's going on?" I replied. He looked down and blushed.

"Well, to be truthful, I've kinda had a big crush on you." My eyes widened.

"Really?" He nodded.

"Of course, you don't have to return the feelings if you don't want to."

"No, I feel the same way." He looked shocked.

"Well then, that makes this a lot easier, [Y/N], will you go on a date with me?" I smiled.

"Yes Izuku."


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now