One Great Night

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 A few days later, Deku and I were already making plans of moving to a new place. Probably not back to the house we already owned, but possibly in a new area. We were temporarily staying in the dorms until we could go back. That's when Himiko came to Deku's dorm. "Hey Deku, is [Y/N] here?" I heard her ask. I was sitting on his bed, which I'm guessing Himiko wasn't looking at.

"Yeah, she's right here," he replied, motioning towards me. She smiled when she saw me.

"Okay, there's a few people here to see you." I stood up, confused. She led me to the bottom floor, where I turned my attention to the couch. Three familiar faces were there. My mom, my dad and my aunt. My face went from all smiles and joy to sadness and anger.

"What are they doing here?" I asked.

"Honey, wait, before you get mad, please let us explain what happened," my dad said.

"Oh, so you're going to explain how one day you just woke up and decided to call me a slut for dating someone I love who happens to be a hero?" His facial expression saddened.

"So that's why you cut contact. It wasn't me who said that."

"And it wasn't me who yelled at you through your father's phone," my mom added.

"Then who was it?" I asked, not buying anything they were saying.

"Some Nomus broke into our home and pretended to be us, same with [Aunt's name]," my dad said. My expression softened.

"We didn't know exactly what they had said to you, but we heard talking from within our house, coming from the kitchen, and when we went out to check what was going on, we saw them."

"And when I checked my phone to call you and check up on you, it said I'd already called you that day."

So that wasn't actually them? I'd been mad at them this entire time and they weren't the ones who did it? "We're so sorry that this happened to you sweetie," my mom said, tears in her eyes.

"I'd never ever call you a slut. You're my beautiful little girl," my dad beamed.

"And I've barely said anything, but having you live with me has been an honor," my aunt said. I felt my eyes burning from tears. I opened up my arms. We did a group hug, all that. It felt nice to get a hug from family. When we pulled away, I got a forehead kiss from my mom.

"Also, I heard the news of the marriage, congratulations Mrs. Midoriya," my aunt said. My dad's expression went serious.

"At 19?" my mom asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, we had a quick ceremony shortly after my birthday, I probably should've told you guys this sooner," I explained.

"Is he here?"

"Yeah, let me go get him."

I got Deku and brought him downstairs, where he finally met my family. I was so thankful that my dad actually liked him. "You seem like a good kid, I trust you with my daughter," my mom said.

"Of course, I'd protect her with my life. You raised such an amazing young woman," Deku beamed, looking at me. I blushed and looked down, flustered. I'd heard that from a lot of people, but hearing that from Deku just made me so happy.

When all of that was finished, Deku and I went back up to his dorm. "How was that?" I asked upon getting inside and flopping my body onto his bed.

"Very nerve-wracking, I was so scared they weren't going to like me," he answered.

"Are you kidding? Of course they'd love you, what's not to like about you?"

"You've known me longer than they do, so I was afraid of coming off as rude or disrespectful."

"But you aren't either of those things." I smiled and sat up, resting my hands on my thighs.

"I know."

I looked around at the stuff in his room. "Hey, do you think that you're gonna take all of this stuff home this time?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course, how could I leave it all here?" he replied. I looked down at my legs, which were dangling off the side of his bed. He started organizing some of the figures on his desk.

"More importantly, how do my feet swing while I'm sitting on a twin-sized bed?"

"It's because you're short." He smirked while I gasped.

"HEY I'M [Your height]!"

"Okay shorty." He continued organizing his stuff, not even bothering to look at me. I glared at him.

"Put some inches in me then." He slowly turned his body and raised an eyebrow at me.


"You h-heard me!"

"You stuttered!" I crossed my arms.

{Deku's POV}

All of this All Might merch and none of it had been taken to our house. I honestly wasn't sure if I wanted us to sell the house. I wanted to be closer to Tokyo, but I really liked the area we were living in.

I mean, maybe we could convince some of the people we know here to move up to the town we were living in. I guess that wouldn't be that effective though because of how many of our friends were working at hero agencies.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

"Hey, I'm gonna put on some music, if that's okay," I said after a while of him organizing his stuff.

"Yeah, of course sunshine, you can use the bluetooth speaker I got for Christmas, if you'd like," he replied, looking up from his notebooks.

After getting the music on, I laid back on his bed. There was so much All Might merch in this room. I tapped my feet to the beat of the song and closed my eyes. I thought of the conversation we'd just had. What if I hadn't stuttered? Where would it have gone then? Maybe we'd be at a war for dominance. I sighed and opened my eyes. Deku wasn't organizing his stuff anymore, but sitting on the floor next to the bed.

I rolled over and tapped him on his right shoulder, taking the opportunity to kiss his left cheek while his head was turned. "Hey!" he exclaimed, laughing. I giggled and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you hun," I replied.

"I love you too." He took this opportunity to kiss me. I hadn't felt those lips in a while. They were so warm and soft. We pulled away and he took the opportunity to get onto the bed.

"Scoot over." He gently pushed me over while I moved out of his way. 


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now