Our New Life

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 We barely had any time to spare. We said our (sadly very quick) goodbyes and got into Deku's car. And when we started driving, we didn't stop. We were headed up north, since there were more rural areas up there. The house we purchased was in a town with a population of only 300 people. However, it had everything we'd need. A grocery store, a doctor, a dentist, automotive places. It's supposed to look super pretty too.

As we were leaving, I took one last look at UA. Tears filled my eyes. I'd only been there for a few months, but I'd already grown so attached to everyone and everything there. I looked back at Deku, who already had tears running down his cheeks, but was strictly focused on the road.

We sat in silence most of the drive. When we reached our new property, it looked so sad and depressing. Although, when we got inside and dropped our bags, I realized something that I didn't notice before when we were looking at the listing and pictures of the interior. It looked so familiar. Like the old default Windows backgrounds. "Is this frutiger aero inspired?" I asked.

"I think so," Deku replied.

"I feel like I'm in a Windows 7." We both laughed.

"Hey, I'm not complaining. It was supposed to be the future, so to think we're getting a little piece of what this era was supposedly going to look like, I don't mind."

The next year was okay. We got settled in and known around town as the "newly married" couple. I got my name changed, so my last name was no longer [L/N], but rather Midoriya. Deku started working at the hero agency here and I started working as a teacher at the local school. I taught the course that was meant to help those without Quirks or with very weak Quirks become heroes and get a better knowledge on heroism with little use of Quirks. It was pretty easy to get the job, since the previous teacher had been fired.

My and Deku's marriage was going well, until later in the year. We'd started getting into arguments more often. It was about stupid stuff. I think part of it was grief of hearing what was happening in the rest of Japan. Our little area wasn't safe either. On a daily basis, we'd go into lockdown when a Nomu was identified. The days we didn't, we were in constant fear.

I went home one day to find Deku sitting at our kitchen table, stirring a cup of coffee. "It's 4 in the afternoon, why are you drinking coffee so late?" I asked.

"What's the problem? I can't have coffee whenever?" he replied.

"Hun, I wasn't saying that, I was just asking why. It's not healthy, you won't be able to sleep."

"I think that I know what's good for my own health."

"I'm sorry that I care."

"Okay." He set the cup down and turned around to face me.


"I want a divorce." I froze. The statement shocked me. He wanted a divorce? No, no, this couldn't be happening!

"You want a divorce?"

"Yes. You never made me happy, you know that? You're always so bossy all the time and you make me feel like I'm nothing but a toy to you." Tears filled my eyes.

"But I thought you loved me." He smirked and stared at me with a cold, dead look.

"You really thought I loved you? You're so stupid, I swear." Every word he said felt like daggers piercing my skin.

He's being so harsh. Something had to be wrong. "Hey Midoriya," I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Tell me the first time we met."

"Why would I do that?"

"Just tell me about the first time we met. Remember, we were in Class 1-A, you walked in and saw me sitting at your desk by mistake."

"Yeah, I remember that." I slowly walked to the kitchen, wiping my tears away. He then ran to me and tackled me against the counter.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He pulled out a switchblade. HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME. I took note of where we were. I was in reaching distance of the knives. I reached out and grabbed a knife.

{Deku's POV}

I went to the parking lot of the hero agency. By my car, I saw a familiar face. "[Y/N]?" I asked.

"Hey sweetheart!" she replied, running up to me and hugging me.

"What are you doing here?" I wrapped my arms around her delicate body.

"Class got out early today, so I figured I'd surprise you with a visit!" I have the best wife!

When she pulled away, I noticed something on her skin. "Hey, did you get a tattoo?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, I wanted to show you!" she replied, lifting her sleeve completely and showing off her [Least Favorite Pro Hero] tattoo.

"I thought you hated [Pro Hero]." Her face went pale.

"Well, I changed my mind." She then swung her fist at me, which I stopped. I punched her in the stomach, using One For All. Sure enough, her appearance faded to what looked to be an android. So they're using robotic technology for these Nomus?

{[Y/N]'S POV}

I took the knife and I stabbed it into his chest. He let out a scream, which sounded nothing like Deku's. "HOW COULD YOU?!" he yelled, his voice sounding like a glitched out version of Deku's voice.

"How dare you impersonate my husband?! You villains really are the scum of the Earth," I replied. He completely faded away, leaving a robotic corpse in the middle of our kitchen floor.

Deku walked in the door a few minutes later. I nearly cried as soon as I saw him. A concerned look was immediately plastered on his face. "[Y/N], what happened, are you okay?" he asked. That's my Deku. I ran to him and hugged him, crying my eyes out.

"Please never leave again!" I replied.

We sat down on the couch and I proceeded to tell him about everything that's happened. I was shaking the entire time and he was hugging and comforting me. "Honey, you know I'd never want a divorce, right?" he said.

"I know, but have I been a good wife to you?" I replied.

"Yes, of course. I couldn't ask for anyone better, sunshine. Also, you aren't bossy at all. If you ever are, I know that you just want what's best for me. Just like how I want what's best for you."

"We need to get out of this. I'm tired of living in fear."

"Yes, I know."

"I also hate arguing with you."

"I know, I do too."

"What are we gonna do?"

"I think I have a solution, but I don't know if you're gonna like it."

"What is it?"

"We might have to go back to Tokyo and help with the war." I started crying a bit harder. Not because I was scared of what would happen to me. Because I was scared of what would happen to Deku, especially with how the previous war went. But we had to do something to help. Deku was one of the greatest heroes in the world. They'd need him out there with them.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now