Girls' Day Out

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 When I woke up and got ready for the day, I was more than ready for a day of fun. Us girls met on the main floor at exactly 8 AM, all ready for the day. "Hey girls, are you all ready?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Mina replied. Everyone else seemed kinda tired. Well, it was still early.

The ride on the subway felt kinda awkward. I could tell that Uraraka was trying a little bit too hard when she was talking to me. It was like she was trying to make friends, but seemed a bit sad the entire time. It was obvious, it was under the surface, where her body language kinda gave it away. Should I have asked her something? Checked up on her?

We first went to a mall, which had everything imaginable. That was where we saw an ad for something that seemed very interesting. "Hey, look at that!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked. She pointed at a poster hung up near a bookstore.

"Have your favorite anime character show you around Tokyo?" Jiro read.

"No way, that's gotta be a scam, ribbit," Tsu added.

"No, I've actually seen people dressed up doing that around the city. I wanted to, but I couldn't afford it," Uraraka said.

"Girl, I will pay for you," I replied. Her eyes lit up.


"Yes, really!"

We found our way to the facility that was doing the tours. We knew that we reached it when we saw a giant sign that read, "Anime City". Turns out, it was actually a giant anime center. It looked like a cosplay convention. Plenty of people, who were clearly paying customers, were walking in and out of the large doors wearing costumes.

We entered and were left in awe of this beautiful establishment. There were booths everywhere. People selling art, cosplay supplies and much more at each one. The amount of Shounen stuff and anime titles around were incountable. We all felt underdressed.

After walking around a little bit, we found the booth that had the anime tours. Immediately, we were met with a list of people and the characters they cosplayed who could show us around. "Okay, what you folks wanna do is pick a character that you'd like, is it all of you together or would you like to do it separately?" the guy behind the counter asked.

"Separately," I replied. Everyone seemed so excited.

In the end, I chose Goku from Dragon Ball Z, Mina chose Sasha from Attack on Titan, Uraraka chose Tanjiro from Demon Slayer, Yaoyorozu chose Tamaki from Ouran HighSchool Host Club, Jiro chose Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen, Hagakure chose Usagi from Sailor Moon, and Tsu chose Tengen from Demon Slayer. The cool thing about Uraraka's is that you wouldn't just get a tour done by Tanjiro, Nezuko would also come along.

When each cosplayer walked out, we were each in awe of how realistic each one looked. The guy playing Goku introduced himself as... well, Son Goku, so I didn't know his actual name.

Each cosplayer was so in character, it felt like we were actually with each character. "So, where are we going first?" I asked.

"Well, I know that the sign says that we give tours around Tokyo, but we technically just accompany you guys to wherever you wanna go," Goku replied.

"Ah, alright."

"Although, I can recommend some great restaurants!" He seemed so cheerful. We started walking along. All of us had agreed to go to Shibuya. I could tell that this was probably a pretty well-known company, due to us not receiving any weird looks for walking around with a bunch of cosplayers.

During the walk, the Tanjiro cosplayer spotted a Muzan cosplayer across the street. They both just stood there, staring at each other. We thought it was hilarious. That's when the Muzan cosplayer started moonwalking, until the person the Muzan cosplayer was accompanying motioned for him to hurry up.

{Deku's POV}

After the talk with Uraraka, things were awkward between her and I. The girls had gone out for a girls' day today, so it was kinda nice to just have some time to chill. Not having to deal with Mina's enthusiasm and Jiro's constant playing of her electric guitar. Don't get me wrong, I love all of them as friends dearly! It's just nice to have some quiet, chill time.

So, I sat down in the main lobby, laying on the couch and watching Dragon Ball Super. There wasn't really anything good on, so this was my best bet. It wasn't bad either! "Hey Midoriya!" Kaminari exclaimed, running over to the couch.

"Hm?" I replied. I switched off the TV and looked at him with confusion.

"Since the girls are out shopping or getting mani-pedis, we decided to have a guys' day here at the dorms! What do you say, are you in or are you in?" I shrugged.

"Sure, why not?" I had nothing better to do anyways.

The last few days have seemed off with [Y/N]. Like, she just seemed sad. Maybe I should talk to her about it.

"Alright, so here's what I was thinking," Mineta said, his lisp taking over his voice.

"Oh no, I'm not doing your little 'gym challenge' again," Sato replied.


"Last time, you pranked me and got slime all over me like a 5 year old!"

"C'mon, stop being a wuss."

"It took me 3 showers to get that stuff out of my hair!" Mineta rolled his eyes.

"Fine, fine, then what do you guys have in mind?"

After a while of thinking, Kaminari's hand shot up. "Oh, oh, pick me, I have an idea!" Mineta looked at him and pointed.

"Yes, sir?" he replied.

"You ever wonder what the girls keep in their rooms?"

"You have my attention." He crossed his arms behind his back.

"Guys, no," Kirishima said.

"That's a violation of their privacy!" Iida exclaimed.

"Yeah, that's not very manly of you!" I zoned out while they argued. My mind wandered to what was in [Y/N]'s room. Now, I'm not that perverted, but there were times that I wonde— WOAHHHHHH no, we're not going there!

But while my mind was in that general area, I wondered if she maybe had any clues as to why she seemed sad. My thoughts were soon interrupted by Iida yelling, "Kaminari and Mineta, if you two keep this up, I will have no choice but to report you to Mr. Aizawa!"

"W-We're sorry!" Kaminari replied.

"Y-Yeah, we'll never think of the girls like that again!" Mineta added. I chuckled a bit.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

During this time of walking around Tokyo, we all ended up going our separate ways. I wasn't expecting this day to go like this, but hey, at least we were each having fun. Plus, this Goku guy was a lot of fun! He made me forget my problems. It felt like I was in Dragon Ball Z, rather than thinking about my life at home and how Uraraka and Deku seemed a little bit off this morning. Usually, Deku's at my dorm with some inspiring words, but today, he wasn't there. And Uraraka just seemed shockingly depressed. What's going on?


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