The Wedding Vows

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 The next few weeks, I was a mix of happy and sad. Happy about the marriage proposal, but sad about everything else happening around us. Deku and I had to constantly stay inside while the others were out fighting.

Poor Deku would constantly get reminded of the last war. I helped him through panic attacks. He comforted me when I cried. We were constantly locked into his dorm for fear that those entering the dorms weren't actually our friends, but rather mimics. It was horrible.

In a world full of mimics, our trust went down. We were both on the brink of going insane. "I hate this!" I exclaimed one day while we were sitting in his dorm. My skin has grown dull due to constant exposure to fluorescent lights and Deku's hair has grown darker and bland due to lack of sunlight. Both of us were seriously lacking Vitamin D.

"I know you do," he replied. His response was bland and lacked character.

"Are we just supposed to sit here in fear for the rest of our lives?!" He stared blankly at the wall. He slumped against the opposite wall, not even bothering to utter a response.

{Deku's POV}

I beg the question everyday. How am I supposed to be a hero if I can't even go out and fight? If I have panic attacks multiple times everyday? I can't even make the woman I love feel safe. I watch her everyday, pacing around the room, barely eating the food law enforcements provide. I, on the other hand, have barely even moved since Monday. I constantly sit in the same spot, staring at the wall and wondering what my worth is.

My hero costume continues to sit in my closet, collecting dust. Why didn't they want me to go out there? I would be able to stay grounded this time, now that I have [Y/N]. I do everything for her, so to see her in so much pain angers me. Why did she have to go through so much this year? Why did her parents have to treat her like this? Why did we have to undergo another large villain attack? "Honey?" she asked.

"Yes?" I replied.

"Are we gonna die?" The question struck me like a car crash. She feels so unsafe she thinks we might die. I didn't know if we would die either. I don't want her to feel like this anymore.

"You know what, I have a plan."

{[Y/N]'S POV}

"A plan? Tell it to me," I said. He stood up and grabbed my hands.

"Let's get married now, buy a house in a rural area together and pick up fake identities. I don't want to die before you and I have a life together, I want to marry you sometime in this life, so we should do that first, that way we can also purchase a house under one name," he explained.

"But, how is that gonna work?"

"We'll have to get my mom and All Might involved, but they should both be able to help."

I was okay with any plan, as long as it means that we'll both be together and safe. So, we went to the Midoriya household and told Mrs. Midoriya and All Might the idea. I was surprised they both agreed so easily. Deku insisted on having a nice wedding. It would be held near the dorms and we would keep costs low. Before any wedding preparations, we found a small house, which Deku used a good fraction of his savings to purchase, along with some of Mrs. Midoriya and All Might's help.

As for the wedding, we told the other students in class about it. It was going to be a quick wedding, no reception. But we wanted everyone to be there. Mina helped me pick out a dress from her closet, which was a short golden dress with a pleated skirt, short heels with straps that looked like vines going up my legs and a flower crown, which she, Uraraka and Himiko helped make. Himiko ended up also being my maiden of honor. Mina and Uraraka were bridesmaids. I believe that Bakugo was Deku's best man. His groomsmen were Kirishima and Sero.

We had to be very vague when it came to decorations. We just had chairs for those attending to sit in, strings of white Christmas lights hung on the trees and some bouquets attached to some chairs. There was also a long carpet laid out on the aisle, made by Momo.

Present Mic ended up officiating our wedding. We didn't know if it'd be legal or not, but we didn't care. We just wanted to be married and get out of here. Surprisingly, the wedding was actually a bit of light for some people. It was something exciting happening in all of this chaos. Everyone helped us get ready. Mina was in the dorm with me, helping me get ready. I didn't put any make-up on, just wore the dress. I put on some shoes and she helped me adjust the flower crown. She also handed me a bouquet that she made out of [Fav/Flower]s.

When I walked out to the area where we were holding our wedding, I took a deep breath. Jiro played some gentle piano music from her phone. I stepped onto the carpet where everyone stood up from their chairs. I felt a little bit anxious, but felt better knowing it was my friends and not random family members I hadn't seen since I was 3.

{Deku's POV}

As soon as [Y/N] stepped out, Jiro changed the song from the gentle piano she'd been playing to the piano version of [Fav/Song]. I blushed as soon as I saw [Y/N]. She wasn't in a big, long wedding dress, she was just in a shorter gold dress with heels and a beautiful flower crown. But that wasn't the only thing that was beautiful. [Y/N] looked so so beautiful.

She made it up to the altar and stood across from me, Jiro stopped the music. Everyone sat down. Momo elbowed Jiro. "Really? The piano version of It's Been So Long is what you start out with?" she said.

"It was all I had downloaded, I only had enough money to download [Fav/Song] onto my playlist!" she replied. I chuckled a bit.

"Hey, you got a piano version of Snowfall downloaded too?" I asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"Play that as we're leaving."

"I'll send it to you!"

Present Mic then began his speech. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the eyes of God, friends and family and a bunch of crackheads, to join Izuku Midoriya and [F/N] [L/N] in holy matrimony. I forgot my lines. Just say your vows," he announced. I took a deep breath.

"Thank you Mic," I replied.

"Not a problem."

"[Y/N], I've always seen you as such an amazingly powerful girl. Even with all that you've been through, you're still standing. And beyond that, you're able to care for me through all of the tough times. I want to thank you for everything. I love you [Y/N]. I'll love you forever." Her smile was enough to brighten my entire day.


"Izuku, every single day has been an adventure with you. I always believed that being a hero was just a profession, until I fell in love with you. You're the first person who's truly made me feel safe. I want us to stay together until the end of time," she said.

"May we have the rings?" Present Mic asked. Mina was the one to hand us the rings. She handed [Y/N]'s to me and mine to [Y/N]. After we repeated everything that Mic told us to, he said the words I'd been waiting to hear.

"Izuku Midoriya, do you take [F/N] [M/N] [L/N] to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asked.

"I do," I replied confidently.

"And do you [F/N] [M/N] [L/N] take Izuku Midoriya to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do," she said.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," Present Mic said. Deku barely waited until he finished speaking to kiss me.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now