Making The Announcement

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 I honestly had no idea how I was gonna tell Deku. I mean, was this really happening? Or was this all just a dream. I knew that he wouldn't be mad, but I felt that he would be overwhelmed. Neither of us had really discussed kids before this. I just hoped that he wouldn't end up fainting or anything.

My hero work was okay. We had this daft punk aesthetic going too at the agency, so it made me question if I should make a few subtle changes to my hero costume. I was trying to make that the center of my worries to distract myself from the pregnancy.

The hero work I had to perform was actually a bit more difficult than usual though. I was getting fatigued easily, which was no doubt because I was literally growing a person. Yes! I'm going to describe it like that! I hadn't even told Himiko yet, but I knew that was going to be the way I'd describe it.

That night, I was taking it easy. They'd sent me home, since I wasn't feeling that well and seemed tired. I decided to pick something up for dinner, so I sent a quick message to Deku asking what he wanted.

When I ordered and received my food, I ate pretty quickly. By the time I was done, I was laying on the couch watching some random Netflix show. I heard the front door open and quickly paused the show, checking to make sure it was actually Deku. Sure enough, I saw him walk through. "Hey honey, how was work?" I asked. He seemed a bit concerned when he saw me looking at him from the couch.

"It was good, why are you home so early?" he asked.

"Oh, I wasn't feeling good, so they sent me home." I sat up and stretched.

"What happened? Do you need some medicine?" I laughed.

"No, no. I got you food, by the way. It's in that brown bag on the counter." I motioned towards the counter and went back to laying down.

I decided that I was gonna tell him after he was finished eating. He sat down on the floor in front of the couch and watched the show I was watching while he ate.

Once he'd finished eating and threw away his trash, I took a deep breath and sat up. "So, honey, I have something to tell you," I said, straightening out my sweats and folding my hands in my lap.

"You killed someone, didn't you?" he replied as he sat down next to me, looking straight ahead. I gasped.

"No!" He looked at me.

"Hey, I won't call the police." We laughed.

"Okay, but seriously, I need to tell you something." He nodded.

"Alright, what is it?"

"Well, you remember the night we had a few months ago?"

"Oh yes, I do!" I chuckled.

"Lately, I've been getting sick in the mornings. You know, throwing up, tummy aches, all that. I took a pregnancy test last night and it came back positive." His eyes widened.

"You're pregnant?" I nodded.

"Yes." His face went from surprise to pure joy.

"Oh my gosh, I'm gonna be a father!" I smiled and nodded. Tears came to his eyes.

"We're welcoming a new Midoriya to the family." He wrapped his arms around me, hugging me in a tight embrace. When he pulled away, tears were coming to my eyes too.

"This is the best news I've received all day. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yup, just a little fatigued is all. From walking around all day."

We weren't going to tell everyone else just yet. We wanted to wait for a while. We were just gonna focus on the happy news between us two. Deku was constantly checking up on me. I loved how caring he was towards me. There were some days that I didn't feel like I was well enough to get out of bed and those days, he'd stay home with me, if he could.

Many of my fellow heroes were noticing that I was behaving differently than usual. In the sense that I was getting tired a lot quicker than usual and seemed to be feeling sick more often.

One day, me and some of the girls decided to go out and have some fun around Tokyo. We invited Chika and one of his co-workers along with us, so it was a "girls'" day. "Hey look, they replaced your old work place, Chika," Momo said, pointing to a new clothing store.

"They must've received one too many lawsuits," Chika's co-worker chuckled. Each of us had a lot of bags with us, so we were already carrying a lot of stuff.

I was starting to feel a bit tired, sweating and panting a bit. "Guys, hold on, I need to sit down," I said, stopping and sitting at a nearby bench. I set my bags down and got a drink of water from my water bottle.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" Mina asked, setting her bags down and looking awfully concerned. I put my hand up.

"Yeah, I'm good, thank you. I'm a little hungry though."

"There's a donut stand a few blocks from here, I can go and get you something if you want, ribbit," Tsu offered.

"Yeah, and I'll pay," Uraraka beamed.

"Wait, didn't you just eat?" Chika's co-worker asked. I shrugged.

"Well, it's hard to stay full when I'm eating for two," I answered.

"Yeah, I gu– wait, WHAT?!" Mina exclaimed.

"You're eating for two? Wait, are you?" Momo asked. I smiled and nodded.

"Oh my gosh, that's awesome!"

"How far along are you?"

"A few months."

"Wait, that means, you and I are gonna be able to eat the same portions!" Chika exclaimed happily. I laughed.

"Yup! You're right!"

"I don't have to order you a kids' meal!"

After telling them about the pregnancy, they were all constantly checking up on me. I loved how considerate my friends were, but they didn't have to stop every 2 blocks to make sure I was okay.

That night, I'd told Deku about my day. He loved the fact that I was able to tell the girls about it. "Does that mean I can tell the guys?" he asked.

"Yeah, go for it!" I replied.

{Deku's POV}

I still couldn't believe it. I was actually gonna be a dad. I could only imagine what my mom's reaction was gonna be. She'd probably be knocked out cold after hearing that she was gonna be a grandma. In a good way, not a bad way. She's been asking about grandkids since [Y/N] and I moved into our new apartment. Of course, I'd never really discussed it with [Y/N] since we'd never been in a situation where we'd need to.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

We were actually gonna have a family. That fact still baffled me, but I was beyond happy. I never thought of being a mother until now. I was afraid I wasn't going to be a good mother, but reminded myself that that's probably what every new mom thinks. That's what my mom thought, according to my dad. I'm sure that talking to her would probably help.


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