Finding My Husband

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 Everyday was a repeat. It put me at ease knowing that Deku would be back every night, however I was scared of him dying everyday. He'd come home a little bit late and I'd have a panic attack.

Everyday was honestly just hard to live through. Everyone was depressed. No one seemed to have any hope for the future. Sometimes, Momo would bring in a radio for us to listen to music with, but it was so often interrupted by newscasts that we couldn't even enjoy it.

Deku also started looking more and more different with each passing day. His hero costume looked more and more beat up everytime he came back. His eyes grew more and more tired. I missed the days when he had a sparkle in his eyes. He seemed so happy back then.

That actually went for everyone. Mineta wasn't even a perv anymore. "[Y/N], here, I made you a snack," Uraraka said, handing me [Fav/snack].

"Not hungry," I replied, looking out the window. I was sitting in the hallway and had my knees hugged to my chest. She crouched down and set the plate/bowl next to me.

"C'mon, you haven't had anything to eat in a few days. I'm getting worried." She sighed.

"I'm sorry, I just don't have an appetite. I'm never hungry anymore."

"I get it, but seriously, there are bad long-term effects of barely eating for even just short periods of time. You feel full all the time until your body lets you know that you've actually been starving yourself. When you eat, you feel full again quickly. You don't get the amount of calories you actually need. You're shaky, you can have various deficiencies. It's horrible. I don't wanna see that happen to you." I stayed silent. She stood up.

"Thanks Uraraka."

"Just please, try to eat." She walked away and I took a look at the food she brought. It did look and smell good. However, I knew that I'd be throwing it up the moment I took a bite.

When Deku finally came back, I was still at the same spot. "[Y/N]?" he asked.

"Hm?" I replied.

"Why are you still up? It's midnight."

"I was waiting for you."

"You don't have to do that honey. Here, come here." He opened his arms to which I got up and hugged him. He then noticed the food.

"Hey, what's all this?" he asked. He motioned towards the food. I turned around and saw it.

"Uraraka brought it by earlier, but I'm not hungry."

"How long has it been since you've eaten?"


"That long? [Y/N], you need to eat to keep your strength up."

"It's hard to eat with an upset stomach. Whenever you're gone, I can't help but worry about you."

"I know, but I'm worried about you, especially when you don't eat."

A few minutes passed by and he sighed. "Am I really gonna have to go fanfiction style and feed you?" he asked. I gasped and looked at him in shock.

"What? No." I replied, pouting. He raised an eyebrow.

"Then eat yourself." I hesitated before shaking my head.

"I can't." He picked up the plate and turned to me.

"Okay then, I'll have to force you."

"What are you gonna do, force feed me?"

"No, but I know that you'll never turn it down if I feed it to you."

"WHAT?! I'm not a baby!"

"C'mon, just admit you lost."

He brought the food to a table in the cafeteria and I followed. He had me sit next to him.

{Deku's POV}

I picked up a bit of the food and started bringing it towards her. "C'mon, you need to eat," I said.

"Fine," she replied. She took a bite and her face seemed to soften.

"There we go." I didn't care how weird she thought this was as long as it got her to eat something. As she was eating, I felt myself smile for the first time in a while. As did she. Her smile was still the same beautiful smile as it was when I first saw her. Her smile was the best thing in the world. I loved the way her eyes crinkled. That way I could tell it was real.

When she eventually finished all of her food, I smiled. "I'm so proud of you," I said. She smiled once again.

"Thank you," she replied.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

The next day, things took a dark turn. Uraraka took me into a room to help me train my Quirk, which was working surprisingly well.

Eventually, I was able to completely cut through a wooden block with the sword without it getting broken. I was so distracted by the training that I'd barely even noticed what time it was. It was 1 AM. Deku wasn't back yet.

Something had to be wrong. I'd been wearing my hero costume all day, so maybe I could be okay to go outside. I was starting to freak out. Why wasn't he back yet? Others were trying to comfort me. Nothing they said could help. I eventually started zoning out. That is, until a thought came to me. I needed to go after him.

I didn't think twice before bolting. I ran through the halls. Two people were chasing me. I ran out the front door and into the cold of the night. It was a surprisingly clear night. I kept running and running until I couldn't run any further. But I couldn't even stop there. I couldn't go back either.

Surely, they'd put me in restraints or something to keep me from running off again. My hero costume already looked beat up from the past years, so maybe it'd keep weirdos away from me. I prayed it would. I couldn't deal with anyone like this. My main goal was to find Deku. I couldn't rest until I did. I couldn't get caught either. But I knew. Everything was going to be okay.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now