Finally Another Date

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 The conversation actually wasn't that bad. She was decent enough and didn't cut me off while I was trying to talk to her. But then, in the middle of the conversation, Denki tapped me on the shoulder and told me that he had a surprise for me and Deku that Friday.

I was guessing that he'd told the same thing to Deku. I was kinda curious to see what he had planned for us or if the rest of the class was in on it. The entire week, everyone was giving us looks that read, "Ooooooh!" Then, when we reached Friday, that's when their plans started to slip in place. They told us to stay out of the dorms until 5 PM. That meant that we'd have to find a way to kill time after school.

Toga sat behind me in my Spanish class. Yup. I was taking Spanish instead of English. It was way too easy for me, since it wasn't like ELA back at home, so they moved me. I was kinda surprised that she was taking it too.

I was kinda surprised to see how well she was doing in school. She wasn't being all villain-like. It seems like most villain's actions are unfortunately being justified nowadays. A lot of people use the excuses like, "They had a bad childhood!" or "That other person wronged them!" That doesn't give them the right to hurt innocent people. Yes, some villains actually do something about those that are in the wrong and should be in jail and I applaud them for that, but most of them have also done stuff like murder innocent families! That's where I draw the line.

She actually seemed like she was trying to make friends with me. Randomly talking to me in the hallways and catching up with me after classes.

After school, Mina was quick to catch up with me. Her and Deku both showed up at the same time. It ended up being me, her, him and Denki going out to the mall. We'd gone shopping a bit, me only getting a few things from Hot Topic and H&M, Mina getting two arm-fulls of bags. After that, Mina found a photo booth for us to take pictures in, which consisted of 2 normal and goofy ones.

We checked the time. It was 4:30. "Okay guys, let's start heading to the dorms," Denki said.

When we got back to the dorms, Denki opened it and we stepped in. My eyes were met with a dimly-lit room. There was a table set with silverware, a candle and some plates. "What's this?" I asked.

"Well, since you two started dating and we noticed that you two never get any time together," Mina explained.

"So, we're gonna give you a fancy dinner experience!" Denki replied.

"Aw, you guys!" Deku beamed.

"Yeah, so we have Kirishima as your waiter, Sato as your chef and Sero and Toru as your entertainers."

We were sat at the table, which actually made us feel like we were at a restaurant. "And what can I get you two to drink?" Kirishima asked.

"I'll have a [Fav/Soda]," I replied.

"And I'll have a water," Deku said.

"Coming right up." In the background, we heard Sero and Toru singing a duet. I could tell that Toru was doing a little dance routine during it.

{Deku's POV}

We got our drinks and ended up ordering. I actually ordered for [Y/N], since I knew exactly what she'd want. [Fav/Dinner]. Her favorite meal. I gently took her hand in the middle when I noticed her resting her hand on the table.

When we got our food, we were both amazed by how good it tasted. "Woah," I said.

"This is delicious! Nice Sato!" [Y/N] replied.

"Thanks!" Sato called from the kitchen area. After that was done, Kirishima brought out a little dessert. It was [Fav/Dessert].

Again, really delicious! After we were done eating, Mina said that she had a little surprise for us in my dorm. I raised an eyebrow at them when I heard them say my name. They went into my room without asking. To be fair, I did that to [Y/N] too, but that was more of a mental health checkup.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

When we got up to Deku's room, I saw that they'd put a bunch of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals on the floor.

They'd told us to finally just relax and cuddle with each other to end the night. They soon left us alone and we laid down on the blankets. He started by wrapping his arms around me, which I followed in doing. He took his glasses off and laid them to the side. I felt him start running his fingers through my hair. I felt so warm and safe.

He gave me a small kiss on the top of my head and a boop on the nose, which I giggled at. Gosh, I must really like this boy. His skin felt so soft against mine. Each breath he let out, I could feel on the top of my head and he let out a few small noises. I didn't even have to look at him to know how cute he looked.

Then, he slightly pulled away from me. I looked up at him, confused. He then lifted my chin and slowly leaned in. I leaned in as well, and soon, our lips met. He deepened a kiss within a few seconds. It felt like he was being really passionate about it. I was matching that energy by doing the same. It felt as though we were gently fighting for dominance. He slightly rubbed his hand on my back and I shivered slightly as he did so. I didn't know if it was my hormones or what talking, but suddenly, I wanted more and more of him. Just him. I craved his touch.

Soon, we broke the kiss and just stared at each other. "I love you [Y/N]," he said. This took me by surprise. He just said that he loved me!

"I love you too," I replied. We both smiled and soon, fell asleep in each other's arms.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now