A Deadly Night

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 The rest of the week wasn't that interesting. I just went to class, came back to the dorms, did my homework, hung out with Deku and then went to bed after having a small dinner. It was the same every day.

Things were still kinda weird between me and Deku. I wanted to set up another date, but I wasn't sure if he wanted the same thing. He was working really hard as a hero. Most nights, he was out training until we'd hang out for a bit.

It wasn't until that weekend that I'd been suggested something else to do during my time. "Hey, [Y/N], you ever heard of The Teens' Club?" Jiro asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No and I probably don't want to," I replied. It sounded like something that would just cause my social anxiety to go through the roof.

"It's like a club for teenagers, just with no alcohol or sexual themes."

"We wanted to ask if you wanted to come with us tonight, we're gonna chill there for a while," Mina said.

"No thanks, sounds too crowded."

"Oh, c'mon [Y/N], just try it out once. Stay there for an hour and decide whether you like it or not, okay?" Momo tried to persuade me. I sighed.

"Okay, fine." Mina was the first one to her feet.

"Show me what you're going to wear before you put it on!" she said. I looked down at my shoes.

"I don't exactly have anything that's club-worthy." This seemed to excite Mina more.

"Don't worry, I have plenty of clothes you can wear!"

"What are you guys so excited about?" we heard Deku's voice drift in from behind us.

"Oh, we're gonna be going to that Teens' Club," Momo replied.

"You should come with!" Mina exclaimed. Deku looked at me.

"Yeah baby, you should join us," I said, smiling a little. It'd be good to have my boyfriend with me. It would keep the creeps away. Plus, it'd be fun!

Later that night, Mina brought me up to her dorm. She opened up her closet, which was stuffed with clothes. My jaw dropped. So many different patterns and colors. "Okay, looking at you, I'm seeing a [F/C] theme," she said.

"Oh, perfect, that's my favorite color," I replied.

"Awesome! Okay, let's see... you'll wear a short long-sleeved dress with fishnets, some heels and an anklet." She pulled each item out. The dress was a beautiful [F/C] with rips in the sides, as if to make it look edgy. The fishnets were your standard fishnets and the heels weren't so much heels as they were black platform boots.

She sent me into her bathroom to change, where I found that the fishnets also had rips in them. When I walked out and saw what she was wearing, I was in awe. She wore a striped neon-rainbow shirt with ripped jeans, cheetah-print boots, pink fishnet gloves, a translucent clip in her hair and some glitter-heart pattern on her cheek. "Oh my gosh, you look so pretty!" she exclaimed as soon as she saw me.

"Thanks," I replied, chuckling.

{Deku's POV}

I had a lot of options for what I could wear, but I was having trouble deciding. Should I go with something more formal? Or maybe something more edgy? Gosh, why was this so difficult! I eventually decided on something simple. It was a black band-tee, some ripped jeans, black boots and a slightly heavy black jacket. I sent my outfit to the discord, seeing that the same thing was being done by Jiro and Momo. Jiro was wearing something that slightly represented her hero costume: A crop-top with a flame on the front, jeans, a jacket and her boots from her hero suit. Momo was wearing a light pink camisole, a long matching skirt with a slit at the right leg, a fuzzy pink jacket, black sunglasses and open-toed heels.

Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now