Into A Hero

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 I woke up with my vision slightly fuzzy. I was laying against the ground and my back hurt. I must've been laying there for a while. I looked to my right and saw Deku laying next to me. I quickly scrambled over to him, shaking him. "Izuku... Izuku, wake up!" I said. He slowly opened his eyes, he rubbed his temple and groaned. Soon, he sat up.

"Where are we?" he asked.

"I have no idea." I looked around a bit. This place looked kinda weird. Almost like the backrooms. But there was a red curtain on the left wall.

"Oh, what's that?" We both started to walk towards it.

Deku pulled back the silky red curtains to reveal a bar. There was a weird cloud thing behind the bar, cleaning glasses. When we stepped out of the back area, that's when we realized that he wasn't the only one there. A few other heads turned to look at us. "YAY, the cute boy and girl from the other night! C'mon, let me just take a little bit of their blood!" the girl from last night exclaimed. She was wearing the same attire from that night, only her hair was down and her jacket was off. I'll be honest, she looked pretty cute, but in a psychopathic way.

"Now Himiko Toga, that's not what we're supposed to do," the cloud guy said. He sounded like one of those parents talking to their kid.

"Why are we here?" Deku spoke up.

Eventually, the villains started with the small talk, not giving us the answers we were looking for. "Okay, listen, you guys can keep yapping away and I'll only get more and more bored. It's ridiculous, just get to the point," I said. A few of them looked at me in annoyance.

"Okay, fine. This is going to be rather weird coming from us, but considering how most villains can't live normal lives now, most of them are dying off from being unable to show their faces in public or get internet access, meaning they can't get their daily needs," the cloud guy explained.

"And... what are you suggesting?" The girl and the guy looked at each other, the girl seeming annoyed.

"I want you to turn this girl into a hero."

"HUH?!" Deku and I exclaimed. That's not what I was expecting. I didn't know who this girl was, but considering that she seemed to be a villain already, this is not something that I was expecting.

{Deku's POV}

Turning Himiko Toga into a hero?! No, there's no way that could work! And even if we could get her out in public, she's wanted! We couldn't accept this request because we'd be arrested as well! Plus, she's killed people!

"I know, I know, it might be a lot to take in, but I trust that you guys can do it," Kurogiri said. Why were they suddenly wanting to become heroes too? I understand what he was saying before, but that would require them to bring in a whole new set of morals and standards! Most villains hated the hero society! Granted, it has gotten better since the war, but there were still those heroes that remind villains of why they're villains. Heroes that not even other heroes like. "Heroes" that don't even deserve the title of "hero".

[Y/N] started laughing out of nowhere. "Oh, boy, is that rich! No really, what's the reason you brought us here?" she asked between laughs. It wasn't long before we heard a loud knock on the door. All of us turned to the door. Since no one was holding us back, I went over to answer it. There, I saw two police officers standing there with Mr. Aizawa. "These problem children, I swear," he said.

"Mr. Aizawa!" both of us replied.

Apparently, he'd found us from the location on our phones. These villains didn't take our phones?

{[Y/N]'S POV}

I was eagerly waiting for the villains to get arrested during this whole exchange. I also just wanted to go back to the dorms more than anything. Of course, we were probably going to get a pep talk about being more careful. But instead of getting news about the villains' arrest, we got different news. A few days later while we were sitting in the dorms. Well, the students got it during class. I only heard about it when I returned to the dorms to see... the same blonde haired girl from the other night sitting on one of the couches in the main area.

I froze when I saw her. Everyone else down here was acting like it was completely normal. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself, so I calmly walked over to Deku, who was sitting at the table reading an All Might manga and grabbed his shoulder gently. "Um, Izuku, baby, what is she doing here?" I asked.

"Oh, you mean Toga?" he replied. I nodded.

"Yes, her."

"Well, apparently the police thought it would actually be beneficial for her to be in here with us heroes, attending this school, rather than spending her years in a prison cell or psych ward." I rolled my eyes to the sky and sighed. Just like with the schools where I lived, they thought time in the classroom was better than suspensions.

I knew that I'd be locking my door at night. Why did she have to be in our dorm specifically? We have a kitchen! There are knives in there! Well, granted, that's the same for everyone else's dorms, but still! She could kill us! Granted, there are multiple students close together, but still! How was I supposed to sleep knowing that she was in the same building as me! Sometimes, I wish that I wasn't staying in the dorms. If that earthquake hadn't happened, I could be safe at home with some hot chocolate and cookies. I wouldn't have to be here, worrying about whether or not I was going to meet my demise.

Soon, I decided that there was no use in trying to get out of this. I went over to her, where I saw that she was wearing some light blue PJs.

"Um, hi, I don't think that we formally met, considering that you drugged me when we first met, I'm [Y/N]," I said, sitting down next to her. Oh, that's another thing. She drugged me! It's kinda hard to just accept someone else living with you when they've drugged you.

"I know. I'm Himiko Toga," she replied. She knew my name?


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin