On The Rooftop

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 "Hey guys, let's go up to the roof!" Uraraka exclaimed, jumping up. We'd finished our karaoke session and got to exit the room. This was on the 9th floor and there were a total of 34 floors. The roof was the last one that we could get onto.

"Yeah, sure!" a bunch of us replied.

"I dunno, it's a bit scary," Yaoyorozu said. It sounded weird coming out of the mouth of someone who's training to fight villains for a living. We went up to the roof.

"Woah," Uraraka said as soon as she opened up the door. When I got out and saw what the view looked like, I reacted about the same. We could see the entire city from up here. All the way out to where there were no lights on one side.

I walked to the side of the roof, where the ledge was, resting my arms on the side. I took in the beauty of the night life of the city. Everything looked so pretty and amazing. It was better than the view from the cafe my aunt takes me to. Better than the view from my bedroom. Better than the view from the plane.

"Look, all of the people down there look like ants that I could crush!" Hagakure exclaimed.

"That sounded awfully dark," Kirishima added. I could tell that she turned around when I saw her shirt slightly turn. It was weird having someone with an invisibility Quirk here.

"Hey, I'm using my imagination, I don't actually want to crush them!"

"I do," I said. "Some people suck." I smiled a fake evil smile.

"That looks really creepy with the lighting from the door," Jiro said.

"Waitwaitwait, I wanna make a meme about this!" Kaminari exclaimed. He took out his phone and I struck a pose. I turned my attention down to the people below. Everyone down there had a story. I wondered what each was. I took a look at one specific spot. There was a woman talking on her phone. A man holding flowers and looking awfully nervous about something. A little girl walking, holding her mom and dad's hands. A guy passing out pamphlets. A man and a woman walking, the woman holding onto the man's arm. A guy riding a bike while walking a dog. And the best part about being up here? It's so quiet! I then brought my attention to the ground below. That's when my mind went to some pretty dark places. If I jumped right now, my life would be taken in seconds. The impact would kill me. I was intrigued by these thoughts. Almost mesmerized. But I quickly brought my thoughts back to reality. Okay, okay, [Y/N], think... who would miss you? Parents for sure, my aunt, my friends, my dogs back at home and who would the fifth person be? I looked back at the others. My eyes fell on Deku. I guess that he would too.

"Hey, whatcha doing over here?" Deku asked, walking over to me.

"Just taking in this beautiful view," I replied. "It makes me forget all of my troubles." We stood there in silence. The view was still breathtaking. So pretty. So calm.

When it came time to go, everyone descended down the elevator. I'd decided to take the subway with them. They were going in the same direction as me, so I might as well. I'd just have to get off earlier. I got on the subway and was offered a hand by Kirishima. "Oh, Kirishima, by the way, one of my friends bumped into you at the grocery store a few days ago and you picked up a box for her, she really likes you!" I said. "I know that it's kinda weird, but she's a fan!"

"Oh, really?" he asked. "That's cool, I didn't know that girls outside of the school liked me."

"Could I give you her number or is that too weird?" He shrugged.

"Sure, I'll take it!" He beamed. I chuckled and asked for his phone.

"There you go." I typed it in and handed it back to him.

"Now, I can finally prove my manliness to someone!" I giggled.

I was surprisingly being included in a lot of conversations. It felt nice to be a part of something. Yeah, I had my own friends at school, but they're only really around when we have stuff specifically arranged. They're friends with, like, everyone.

I reached my stop pretty soon and got off, saying quick goodbyes to everyone. Suddenly, everything slowed down. After spending so much time smiling and laughing with the others, it felt weird to suddenly just be still. There were only a few people in the station, considering the late hour. Nobody paid attention to me. I was tired. Exhausted even. And the singing had hurt my throat.

I took my time walking home. It was nice and we were in a safe area, so I wasn't at risk of being attacked. The sky was clear, but yet I couldn't see the stars because of the city lights. It was kinda a bummer. One of the greatest joys of my childhood was laying in the backyard with my friend, while using the constellation app on my dad's phone.

I got home right when my aunt was getting up to get some water. "Hey [Y/N]," she said in a tired voice.

"Hi, sorry that I missed my curfew, I just took the subway home with the others and took my time walking home to enjoy the scenery," I replied.

"No worries, I saw a bit of the karaoke session on Instagram. Where were you?"

"I left in the middle. These random guys brought alcohol. I joined some of the UA students."

"That's cool that you got to meet some UA students. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go to bed."

I went up to my room and collapsed on the bed. During that, I heard the FaceTime ringtone. I looked at the caller ID. Deku. I excitedly answered. "Hey!" a bunch of guys said. In the frame, I saw Deku, Bakugou and Kirishima.

"Hey guys," I replied, smiling.

"This dork missed you and wanted to call," Bakugo said, slapping Deku in the back of the head.

"Kacchan!" They laughed. I giggled and rested my chin on my pillow.

"I can see why you like her so much, she's cute!" Kirishima added.


"Well, it's good that he called because I missed him too."

"What about me?!" the blonde haired boy said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I missed you too." Laughter erupted on the other side of the call. Late night talks were the best. A lot of stuff gets said that wouldn't be said during the day.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now