A Halloween Special

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 The next day, I'd gotten an email from the guy running the Halloween event. I sent him a complaint about the amount of make-up I was gonna be wearing. He replied to this with an announcement that they were making a lot of changes to the event. One of them being that they were gonna be basically reinventing everything after a pole they took. They were going to be changing the entire thing to match Five Nights at Freddy's in honor of the new movie. Just days before the event. They'd already gotten a lot of the stuff they'd need including the animatronics. People reading this, don't read this chapter until after you've seen the FNAF movie. THERE WILL BE A LOT OF SPOILERS. Did I just break the fourth wall? YES, BUT IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD, DON'T READ THIS CHAPTER IF YOU DON'T WANT FNAF MOVIE SPOILERS.

They'd changed it so that I'd be playing Vanessa, which meant barely any make-up. For each animatronic, there was a way for the actors to wear them that didn't involve spring locks. The day before Halloween, we all got together and did a little photoshoot with our costumes on, which was a lot of fun. However, Sero unfortunately couldn't join, since he was gonna be in the Freddy suit.

Then, Halloween night came. We were all so excited. Those that didn't volunteer were gonna be attending. All Might and Present Mic convinced Mr. Aizawa to attend, so we were very excited to see him there.

At the attraction, I was in awe of how similar it looked to Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. I walked around the entire time, making sure to stay in character. It was nice not being Vanessa from Security Breach because I didn't really know how to be strict. I also don't wanna yell at some kid named Gregory.

I felt like I could actually have fun with the guests. It was nice not seeing a bunch of kids too. Maybe this fandom isn't completely ruined. The guy playing Mike looked familiar. Wait a minute. "Hey," I said as I got closer to him.

"Hey," he replied.

"Wait, Mr. Aizawa?!" I could see it now. His eyes were a dead giveaway.

"Yup, that's me. I cut and dyed my hair for this." Did he not realize that he could just get a wig? Either way, he looked amazing as Mike Schmidt. I think that his bloodshot eyes kinda added to it too.

As I got to the center of the attraction, the area backstage, I noticed how quiet it was. It was kinda nice hearing the muffled music and exclamations of the guests. But it felt as if there was a presence with me. I slowed my footsteps to listen. Was there someone else back here? I practically stopped breathing just to listen for any sign of someone else here. "Hey lady," I heard someone suddenly say behind me. Without another thought, I turned around and hit them with a right hook. Then, I finally saw who it was.

"Deku?!" I replied. He was slumped over, rubbing his hand on his face.

"Honey, it's me!"

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone about to hurt me!" He stood up, still holding his cheek, and tried to smile a bit.

"Well, now I can rest easy knowing that you'll be safe by yourself." He was dressed in an All Might costume.

Pretty soon, I noticed a dark liquid coming from his nose. "Oh, baby, your nose is bleeding," I said. He reached his hand up and felt underneath his nose, pulling his hand away to see the blood now on his fingers.

"Huh, oh, yeah, guess I am," he replied.

"C'mon, let's get you cleaned up."

I took him to the little staff area for us, where a first aid kit was located. Walking through to it was rather nice. Not many people were walking the halls right there. After we got there and I pulled out the first aid kit, Deku sat down in the little office chair we had there. "It's just a bloody nose, I think that some tissues would be fine," Deku said.

"Yes, there's a bathroom right over there, pinch your nose," I replied.

"But, why the first aid kit?"

"Because there's better lighting in here and you might've gotten cut from the punch." I took a good look at him. He appeared to be fine, besides his cheek being a little bit red from the hit. Guess I didn't need it after all.

He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up. He managed to stop the bleeding and was out in 20 minutes.

{Deku's POV}

By the time I was done dealing with that, we were back out in the attraction. [Y/N] seemed to have a lot of fun in character. The others were great as the people they were playing. When I was walking through that attraction, I was amazed how much detail was put into it. They had everything from the smell of pizza to the stars on Foxy's curtain.

The one thing that made me yell so loud it could break someone's eardrums was when the guy playing William Afton grabbed me from behind while in the springlock suit. The yell was actually enough to cause him to let go. That's when [Y/N] ran over, flashlight in hand, shining it towards us. "What's the problem here?!" she exclaimed.

"So sorry, I just got kinda startled," I replied.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

As soon as I heard Deku's exclamation, I thought something had actually gone wrong. I feared that he might've gone into an area that he's not allowed in. This is what happened about 3 times already. You'll end up in the back rooms at that rate. It was certainly a nicer version of the backrooms though. One with donuts and a coffee machine. Our break room.

After everything was handled, we found that not many people were left. We still had a ton of candy left over. So, I took Deku's hand and started walking him towards the areas with games. Most of the games were fairly easy to beat, if you had the right strategies. We also made sure that they were all FNAF themed and couldn't be rigged.

It honestly felt like a fair. We could win prizes at each game and they were selling pizza near the front, so there was also the food. There were also areas where, if we walked through them, people would throw candy at us. I made sure to collect a bunch for both me and Deku and put it into a little FNAF themed party bag.

After all of that, it was past midnight and the attraction was closing. Deku had actually driven here, so we both went back to UA in his car.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now