Breaking This Reality

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 "Goku!" I exclaimed.

"Well, my name's actually Chika Hideyoshi, but you can continue calling me Goku if you want. You can also just call me Chika or what my friends call me, my personal favorite, Chick," he replied.

"Chick like the slang for a girl?" Mina asked. He laughed.


"What are you doing here, what's been going on?" He held up the folder full of papers they were carrying.

"I'm gonna be training to be an assistant to a pro hero."

"Really? That's awesome!" He nodded.

"Yup! I got fired from my previous job, so I decided to go back to school to do what I love. I thought UA would be perfect for this." My face dropped from being happy to concerned.

"What happened? Why'd you get fired?"

"Some guy was trying to touch one of the women I work with inappropriately, so I socked him right in the mouth. He left scot-free, but I got fired for hitting him since he was a 'paying customer'." I sighed.

"Jeez, sounds like you have a really crappy boss."


"Right, had. Is your co-worker okay though?"

"Yeah, she's doing fine. She got a new job at a donut shop in Harajuku."

The other girls seemed to remember him from our girls' day out, so we all got to talking pretty fast. After a bit, I started to wonder. What was his Quirk? "Hey, Chika, what is your Quirk?" I asked. He slowly looked at me.

"Well, I could explain it to you, but that's boring. I'll show it to you!" he replied.

"Wait, show us after we finish up here!" Momo exclaimed.


{Deku's POV}

[Y/N] had left with Mina, Momo and Jiro without even saying anything to me. Was I being too clingy? I could see how she might be getting annoyed by me.

I just hoped that she was at least having fun. That means smiles. I love when [Y/N] smiles. It brightens up my entire day. I mean, [Y/N]'s the type of girl that the guys say, "Wife her up" to. Everything about her brightens my day. Even just looking in my direction brightens my day.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

After Mina got in to talk to Nezu about what she wanted to do, she walked out, explaining that he said he'd have to think about it. "Gosh, he said that he'll get back to me within 2-3 business days, I can't wait that long!" she exclaimed.

"You do realize that that's only Thursday or Friday right?" Momo replied.

When we got outside, Chika looked at all of us. "Okay, in order to do this, I'm gonna need you four to stand back," he said, motioning for us to step back.

"This better be good," I replied, trying to make it clear that I was joking. He pressed his hands together, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath.

"Portal, OPEN!" He launched his hands forward, which opened up a small portal. We all stood there in awe.

"Did you just do that?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah, pretty cool, huh! Well, come on! Ladies first." He stepped aside and bowed. I chuckled and stepped in, the others following me.

The inside of the portal was even more exquisite. It looked like a city. There were skyscrapers all around and a bunch of ads. Well, anime meme ads. A sign with a picture of Goku Black that said, "Have you or a loved one been seriously injured? Call Goku Black! He'll end your misery!" There were also various cereal ads for random characters.

All around, there were other portals that I could see out of. "What is this place?" Mina asked.

"We're in my mind!" Chika replied.

"In your mind?"

"Yeah! Basically, my Quirk allows me to open up a portal and go in here. It was a blank white void when I first discovered it, but I found out that I could actually decorate and add stuff into it! So, I decided to make it a city landscape. These buildings you can also go into. And all these other portals? They lead to other places around the globe. Of course, I can't just say, 'I wanna go to Hawaii!' and create a portal, no no no. I have to have actually been there in order to create a portal. I've been to all sorts of places though, so I have a good selection."

"Woah!" Momo exclaimed.

"This is the coolest Quirk I've ever seen." Jiro said.

"So, how are you gonna use this Quirk to benefit whatever hero you work for in the future?"

"Well, I'm glad you asked my inquisitive friend! I can not only provide an escape route, but I can also drag villains in here and fight them!" I walked up to what appeared to be a small portal leading to some store.

"Vons?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, when my family was visiting California, we stopped at one while we were in Nipomo. I mainly just have it for the bakery section and in case I need to squeeze in some last minute grocery shopping while I'm chilling in here."

One of the places I was surprised to see in here was a cafe very similar to the one we went to. There was also what appeared to be an arcade. "So if any of you wanna travel, I can take you to any of the following places: New York, North Carolina, California, Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Colorado, South Korea, British Columbia, France, the U.K., Ireland, Scotland, New Zealand, Australia and most places here in Japan!" We all stared at him in shock. Well, all of us except Momo.

"You've been to so many places!" Mina exclaimed.

He was a pretty cool guy in real life. Just the fact that he was showing us around was pretty cool. He showed us a lot of the stuff within his mind. I was amazed with how much detail was put into it, but then again, he's probably been working on this since he was a child.

Most of the portals were really cool to look into too. You could look into one and see the Statue of Liberty, then look into another and see Osaka Castle. I ended up poking my head out of one, which ultimately made me dizzy and made me immediately put my head back inside. "Yeah, that's not the best idea. It's very disorienting," Chika said.

"Hey, this is my first time seeing an actual portal, I'm gonna explore," I replied.

After a while, we were escorted out. None of us could believe how cool it was! We all wished him the best of luck, exchanged numbers with him and went back to the dorms. The rest of the way home, we chatted about how cool it was to have a Quirk like that. Just the fact that he could take us in with him alone stood out to us as, that's not a normal Quirk. I'd doubt he wouldn't be useful for anything at all. If a hero agency won't take him in, someone else certainly will. All that I could do is hope that this education goes over well for him and that he ends up with a great hero who treats him with equal respect.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now