Bakusquad and Dekusquad

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 When we announced that we were dating in the server, everyone went crazy. Sato had baked a cake, I'm pretty sure it was just for fun, but he acted as though he baked it for us. Everyone was so happy for us. When we went downstairs, they were so excited. Showering us with emotions. It was unnatural how excited they were getting.

Well, now I understand where all of that broccoli and [Fav/Food] stuff came from.

On my first day at UA, all of my classes went by really fast. And the teachers were amazing! Plus, the lunch tasted amazing! The only cafeteria food I'd eat as comfort food. Every student was so nice and helpful too. I got lost a few times.

I was in a few classes with those from Class 1A, so I at least had some other friends with me. Having Present Mic as an English teacher was so unbelievably fun. I unfortunately wasn't in any classes with Deku.

When it came time for the last bell of the day to ring, I went straight to my dorm to get out of my uniform. "Hey, [Y/N]!" Sero, a boy with tape dispensers for elbows, called, catching up with me.

"Oh, hey Dollar Store Spider-Man," I replied. That had become a nickname we were both familiar with.

"The Bakusquad and I were talking and we realized, we'd never seen your Quirk."

"Oh, yeah, it's not that great anyways. You're not missing much."

"Aw, c'mon, we wanna see it!" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, I'll show you guys this evening, but don't expect anything cool!"


"By the way, what's the Bakusquad?"

"Oh yeah, that's the other thing I meant to talk to you about, we have the Bakusquad and the Dekusquad. The Bakusquad are all of Bakugo's friend and the Dekusquad are all of Midoriya's friends. We wanna interview you and see which one you're fit for." Oh great. More questions.

"Alright, I'll do it." He did a fist pump and thanked me.

"Great, meet down on the main floor at 8 tonight, we'll all go out to the park together so you can practice your Quirk!" He seemed awfully excited. I just wanted to get this over with. It wasn't like my Quirk was anything special or should be appreciated.

When the time came to show them my Quirk, I walked downstairs and sighed. I was greeted with every. Smile. In. Class. 1. A. "Hey hey [Y/N]! Check it, everyone else wanted to see your Quirk too!" Sero called.

"So, they're all coming?" I replied. He nodded.

"Yup!" Great.

Mr. Aizawa was coming along for supervision. I guess they've had bad experiences with students going out past curfew by themselves. So surprising. It's not like teenagers do dumb things all the time just to regret it sometime later. It was gonna be fun going out after dark, I guess. The others sure were excited about it, it seemed.

When we got out to the park, I was quick to find a small river nearby. I immediately walked over to it, wanting to get this over with. "Let's go [Y/N]!" Mina exclaimed, jumping up and down. I chuckled and then brought my attention to the water. I held my hand out, closed my eyes and cleared my mind. Pretty soon, I felt the droplets forming in my fingertips. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes and saw the katana in my arm. It was a standard katana.

"Ooh"s and "Ahh"s filled the air. "Woah, it looks like an actual katana!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Try to slice something [Y/N], try it!" Hagakure replied.

"I need something to slice," I responded. I was being careful as to not drop the katana. It would turn into a puddle at my feet at that point. Kota helped me by holding out a paper for me to slice. I brought my sword up and swung, only for it to turn into a million little water droplets as soon as it hit the paper.

"Tch, I told you guys her Quirk was worthless," Bakugo grumbled.

"At least she doesn't bark at people," Mina replied.


As we were walking back, Izuku followed up closely behind me. "Hey, I think that your Quirk's pretty cool," he said. I smiled.

"Thanks," I responded.

When we were back at the dorms, some of the others went to bed, while me, Izuku, Bakugo, Tsu, Ochako, Denki, Shoto, Iida, Sero and Kirishima stayed on the main floor. "Okay, let the interview begin!" Mina exclaimed, holding up a bunch of notecards.

"First question, when asked whether you'd like to hang out with Bakugo or Izuku, would you rather, a. Go out for ice cream or b. Bully Deku," Uraraka read, squinting her eyes at the last part of that question. "Hey, we agreed that the questions wouldn't be discriminatory against anyone."

"Oh, yeah, I know," Bakugo said. "I just chose not to listen." He gave her a 'helpful to not be helpful' smile. She groaned and looked at me, smiling again.

"Well, which one do you say, [Y/N]? Choose wisely."

"Well," I started, looking at Izuku, "I'd have to go with getting ice cream."

"Next question," Iida said, holding up the notecard, "when studying a personal endeavor, do you base it off of, a. The facts, or, b. What you know?"

"What I know," I replied.

"YES, that's one point for the Bakusquad!" Denki exclaimed, marking a point down on the whiteboard displayed near the entrance of the dorms.

"Next question, which hero do you pick out of these two?" Todoroki asked. "A. All Might, or, B." He glared at the paper, then looked at Bakugou, who was trying hard not to crack up. "Endeavor." Bakugo started laughing so hard, slapping his thighs.

"Well, obviously, All Might," I replied.

"Which dog breed do you like better?" Tsu asked. "Huskies or pomeranians?"

"Ooh, that's a hard one," I replied. "I'd have to go with huskies, they're just so funny."

"Out of the two, when you think of All Might, what word pops into your head first?" Izuku asked. "Cool or Freaky?"

"Cool, obviously," I replied.

"Tell me, [Y/N], which artist would you rather listen to?" Sero asked. "Taylor Swift or Melanie Martinez?"

"Melanie Martinez," I replied.

"What would you rather do on a date?" Kirishima asked. "Go to a fancy restaurant or the gym?"

"Fancy restaurant, obviously," I replied. "I went to the gym to prepare for that date anyways."

"Which style of dance do you prefer?" Mina asked. "Waltz or Salsa?"

"I'd rather learn Salsa dancing," I replied.

"Okay, now it's time for the question that will determine it all, what form of music do you prefer?" Bakugo asked. "Pop or heavy metal?"

"Pop, obviously," I replied. Those of the Dekusquad started cheering.

"Congratulations [Y/N], you are now part of the Dekusquad!" Ochako exclaimed. I smiled and started cheering along with them.

We spent the rest of that night celebrating. "Hey, we're glad to have you a part of the team," Tsu said. I smiled.

"Thank you," I replied.

 {Deku's POV}

I was so happy that she'd finally be part of my squad.

{[Y/N]'S POV} 

When it came time for bed, I was so exhausted. I was ready for this day to be over. It was going to be hard to get through classes the next day, but I'd make it. Hopefully. At least it's not too difficult. I'm just in general studies, after all.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now