Our First Kiss

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 We decided to first go to a convenience store and get some desserts. I got [Fav/Dessert], while Deku got dango. We walked outside. After a bit of brainstorming, we decided to eat our desserts on the roof of a building. "Wait, but how are we gonna get up there?" I asked.

"Duh, using my Quirk," he replied.

"One of your many Quirks, I see." He picked me up in bridal style and activated his Quirk, taking us up to the roof of some store. He set me down once he was up there and sat beside me, our feet dangling off the side of the roof. I took out my dessert and started chowing down, while Deku did the same.

"You know, seeing you wearing that new style of clothes today brought up a thought in my mind that I've been thinking about for a while."

"Oh really?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Mhm. I kinda wanna change up my style."


"I'm just ready for a change. I've been dressing like this since middle school. And I've had to start wearing glasses, so it's kinda like an opportunity."

"I never see you wear glasses."

"It's kinda like Tori from Victorious, I only wear them at home by myself because I just don't want to be made fun of." I tried to picture him with glasses. He looked cute in my mind.

"I'm sure that you look alright. Plus, lots of people have to wear glasses, you're not alone."

"Yeah, but I know that Kacchan is gonna say some rude remarks. It's starting to get irritating. I can't do anything without him saying something about it." I could completely understand that. I had plenty of bullies back in elementary school that did the same thing. It felt horrible.

"Who's Kacchan?" I asked.

"Katsuki Bakugou, sorry, I should've remembered that it's only really me that calls him that," he replied, apologetically.

"No, it's fine, really, I was just confused." We sat there in silence.

I looked up at the night sky, seeing no stars. I miss living in an area where the stars were visible every night, not just during blackouts. I could see constellations I'd seen as a child. They were the same. No change. I liked that about the stars. "What are you thinking about [Y/N]?" Deku asked.

"Huh?" I replied. "Just thinking about how there are no stars visible here."

"Oh, yeah, I've never thought about that. Instead, you just see the glow of the city lights."

"It's not that important. Let's just get off of this topic." I didn't want to start crying during this night because we were supposed to be having fun. "Hey, going back to you changing up your style, what style are you thinking of going for?" He thought for a few moments.

"I don't really know."

"Okay, well, how about we go to a shopping mall tomorrow and find you some clothes."

"Yeah, that sounds like fun!"

"Alright! I'll text you tomorrow." I tossed my wrapper into the bag. "For now, let's have some fun!" Deku did the same as me and we both got up.


Deku used his float to take both of us down to the ground and then we were off. There wasn't a whole lot to do in Musutafu at night, but we were determined to find a few things. Mainly just walking around the city is what we were doing.

We took the subway a looooooong way. It took us out to an area, which was on the ocean. There was a giant shopping center, which consisted of 5 huge buildings, basically all shopping malls. A lot of the stores inside were closed, but we found a few hidden gems. There were a lot of restaurants, a place to get milk tea, some clothing stores. Deku pointed out a cosplay store, which we both went into. They had cosplays from all sorts of fandoms. There were so many wigs.

After a while, we went into this "Horror house", which had an extremely short line, due to it being about 2 AM. We went in and were immediately met with scary sounds and some kinda creepy music. Deku and I started walking through, me holding onto Deku's hoodie because I didn't want to get lost. The decorations were all creepy and looked like the place had been torn to shreds. There were a few actors here and there. Neither of us were scared and just kinda laughed the entire time. That is, until the very end, when a guy with an ax jumped out at us. I let out probably the loudest scream anyone has ever heard and ran through the exit, falling to the ground as soon as the relief hit me. Deku ran out after me, both panting and laughing. He fell right next to me. There we were, both on the ground and laughing.

In the midst of all of that, we looked at each other, slowly stopping our laughs. Our eyes locked and we stared intensely at each other. The entire world disappeared around us. It was just me and him. His eyes glistened in the mall lighting. His hair looked so messy from our adventures. His freckles were perfect, as always. His goofy smile. His lips, so kissable.

This was broken as soon as we heard an employee ask, "Are you guys alright?" I quickly shot up.

"Oh, yeah, sorry about that," I replied. "Just a little bit scared." The employee laughed.

"Don't worry, it happens more often than you think." I laughed along with her.

"That was really scary," Deku said, getting up. "It was really fun though."

After all of that was over, we stepped out of the mall. I looked at the time. It was already 3 AM. "We should probably at least start heading over to our small nook in town," I said.

"Yeah, right," Deku replied. With that, we found our way to the subway. The walk there was really nice though. The light glow of the shops guided us on our way.

"Woah." I stopped in my tracks, my breath taken away by the view across the way. The lights twinkling from the skyscrapers was amazing. I wanted to stare at this view forever. It was just so, so pretty. It looked oddly nostalgic. Probably because of a movie or video game.

"I know. It's beautiful, right? Not as beautiful as you though." I blushed at the sound of this. He's so sweet and precious, I swear! This guy! Literally, best person.

On the subway, I was staring out the window the entire time. I slowly started to drift off to sleep. I didn't realize how tired I actually was. Without thinking, I rested my head on his shoulder. Now this, this was nice. I felt so comforted and protected.

After a while, Deku gently shook me awake. He pulled me up to my feet and we got outside. "C'mon, let's get you home," he said.

"Noooooo, I'm okay!" I exclaimed. "I'm awake, let's go somewhere else!"

"As fun as that sounds, you were falling asleep on the train. You need to sleep."

"Aw, okay, fine," I replied. "Yeah, I guess that I'll go to bed."

We walked a long way, before finding our way to my home. He used his Quirk to bring me to my window. I got inside and smiled. It was about 3:45 by then. "Thank you for tonight," I said.

"Yeah, no problem, I had a lot of fun," he replied. We stayed there staring at each other for a few minutes. He just looked so perfect. His face. His handsome face. This became somewhat of a staring contest. I didn't know when would be a good time to say goodnight. Then, I did the unthinkable. I kissed him. On the lips. We stayed there for 3 seconds before I pulled away. After that, I pulled away and slowly closed the window.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now