A Nostalgic Night

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 Before going back to the dorms, we stopped by a few stores to buy some snacks and a few other things. I went back up to my dorm when we got back to get my pjs, but when I got into my room, I saw something very unexpected.

{Deku's POV}

I knew it wasn't right, but I had to find out if there was a reason for [Y/N]'s sadness. I tried to be gentle with the stuff in her dorm. Most of the stuff was standard. Just some personal toiletries, her computer, a gaming console, her skin-care supplies and school supplies. I went to her dresser next. I didn't realize that the first drawer I opened was going to be the ones with her undergarments. I was quick to close that one. But when I went into the top drawer, I saw what appeared to be amber pill bottles. I pulled one out, quickly recognizing what the pills inside were. "Oh, [Y/N]..." I said. Antidepressants. She didn't tell me?

Before I could do anything else, I heard her door open. I froze in place.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

"Deku?" I asked. "What are you doing in my room?" My gaze shifted to what was in his hand.

"[Y/N]..." he replied. I quickly walked over to him, snatching the pill bottle out of his hand.

"And what are you doing going through my stuff?" I put it back in its place in my drawer and closed it.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Something told me he wasn't going to be leaving until I gave him an answer he was satisfied with.

"I didn't want to worry you. It's not a big deal either."

"You know you can talk to me."

"I just don't wanna talk about it, okay? Please, just get out of my room."

I went down to the main area after getting my pjs on. We'd ordered in pizza and had a huge night planned. "By the way guys, Present Mic dropped off this sheet for us, it's a little haunted mansion volunteer list where we can sign up to be actresses who dress up and scare people for a Halloween event down at the park," Jiro said, holding up a clipboard.

"Let me!" Mina replied, shooting her hand up. We ended up passing the clipboard around and signing each of our names, eagerly at doing so.

When we were finished with that, the pizza got here. We were doing a bit of a nostalgia night. Doing stuff like baking with Easy-Bake ovens, playing games like Twister and watching movies from our childhood.

"Okay, so we're making truffles, whoopee pies and chocolate chip cookies," Momo said, tossing the mix of truffles on the counter. Uraraka was one of the first people to help out. I guess that she's actually quite the foodie and loves baking! We queued up a bunch of Disney shows and movies and watched them as we baked. It reminded me of when I was a kid. Putting together the mixes, preheating the oven, putting the mix into the pan. My smile fell a bit. I quickly regained it back when Hagakure reminded me of something.

"You guys ever eat the leftover batter when you were a kid?" she asked.

"Yes!" we all replied in unison. I picked up my pizza and took a bite. Looking at the treats on the boxes made me hungry and I knew that they were going to look nothing like that.

After we'd made all of the treats, we set them out, preparing for the taste test. We'd made enough for everyone to have a little bit of each, so all of us had plates. "Okay, first, the truffles," Uraraka said, picking up her truffle.

"Bon appetit," Momo replied. I took a bit out of mine. A burst of chocolate flavor filled my mouth. It wasn't like the best chocolate I'd ever had, but was pretty good for something designed to be made by a kids' toy. The next one we tried were the whoopie pies, which were basically the same as the truffles, just with frosting in the middle. Some of the frosting squirted out from the sides. These treats were so tiny that I was surprised I could take such small, dainty bites. We tried the chocolate chip cookies next, which were surprisingly soft. We'd made little cookie sandwiches out of them, so there was frosting in the middle of each.

When we were done with that, we moved onto playing board games. All of them were normal, until we reached Twister. Uraraka was the one spinning the spinner. "Alright, right foot green," she announced. We were so tangled up that we could barely move. Instead of just having two players as well, we decided to squeeze everyone in. It took one wrong move for us all to come tumbling down in a fit of laughter.

"This is what we get for fitting Momo in," I replied.

"Hey, it's not my fault that you guys are just inflexible." This made our laughter louder.

I didn't even realize it, but I was really having fun. When we finally managed to wind down, we were laying on blankets and pillows on the floor. Momo was the first one asleep. One by one, we all drifted off to sleep. Momo was the only one that put on a face mask, where everyone else just slept as they were.

I thought back to what happened with Deku earlier. Was I a little bit too harsh? I mean, he did have a point. I could talk to him. But he went through my stuff without my consent! But, I know that his heart is in the right place. I didn't want him to know this yet. He shouldn't know yet. I don't want him to be worrying about me. It's fine, we'll just continue as normal and pretend nothing happened.

For the time being, I had to get some rest somehow. It wasn't worth my time to be thinking about this topic this much. He didn't need to be worrying about me and that was that. I stared up at the ceiling. I then looked around at everyone else around me. They all looked so peaceful. Each one of them was out cold. I wish it were this easy for me to fall asleep. I closed my eyes, focusing on my mind's eye. I tried to not think up any scenarios tonight. Those would just distract me from sleep. It was better if I spent my time thinking about nothing. Pretty soon, I drifted off to sleep as well.


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