Valentine's Day Special

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 We ended up moving into an apartment in Tokyo, which we decorated to look similar to our previous house. I ended up getting a license to become a pro hero assistant and, can you guess who I'm the assistant of? Yup. Deku!

I got a bit of a redesign on my hero costume, done by Momo, but I was all set. Most nights were actually quite cool. I remember one particular night, where we had to find this one villain who liked to hide out in weird places. We were in a parking structure and that's where we found them. It was kinda funny too because they were so quick to surrender.

It feels weird not having to go to UA each day. I sometimes like to go by to check up on the teachers. I also got to give a presentation to the students at the school I was previously going to. Every question I got was about Deku, but I didn't mind it. I loved talking about him.

"Hey, hey, [Hero name]!" I heard a little voice call from behind me. I was walking back to the agency after a short patrol, so I wasn't really expecting to see anyone. I turned around and saw a little girl running towards me, dragging her mom along with her. She was wearing a Deku t-shirt, so I was fully prepared to answer any questions she had about him.

"Hi!" I said, putting a smile on my face. She stopped when she reached me.

"I apologize for my daughter, she loves you, but I know you may be busy," the mother said apologetically.

"Nah, it's all good!"

"I'm your biggest fan! Can I get your autograph?" What a polite little girl! I'd never actually been asked for an autograph. I didn't even know I had fans.

"Of course! Do you have anything I could sign?"

"Oh, uhhhhhhh." She looked at her mom. The mother chuckled, pulling out a small notepad from her giant purse.

"It's not much, but I hope this works," she said. She handed me the notepad and a pen.

"Did that pen just spawn out of nowhere?" I asked, suddenly realizing that it wasn't there before. She sighed.

"Yeah, it's, it's my Quirk." She seemed kinda embarrassed.

"Oh! Hey, that's useful! I lose pens all the time, it'd be nice to have a Quirk where I can magically make them appear." We both laughed and I signed the girls' paper. I handed it back to her and she happily took it.

"What do we say?"

"Thank you [Hero name]!" I chuckled.

"No problem!"

I watched as the girl and her mom walked off. I chuckled thinking back to the interaction. When I went back home that night, I'd realized something. "Shoot, Valentine's day is tomorrow!" I exclaimed upon looking at the calendar. I hadn't gotten Deku anything yet, even though I'd had a few days to prepare. I looked at the time. It was only 7 PM. Deku wasn't gonna be getting home until 9, so I had some time to go out and buy something for him.

Slipping on my coat, I quickly made my way down to the subway. I got into a car and held onto one of the handles. As soon as I got to my stop, I dashed to the shopping mall. There were a few stores I wanted to stop by, so I made a beeline for those.

First, I stopped in a shop that sold chocolate assortments. A little bit basic, but I knew that he likes chocolate. I got one of those standard heart shaped boxes and wrote on the to/from sticker that it was from me to him.

After that, I went to a shoe store and got him a new pair of those giant red shoes he used to wear. His old pair got destroyed, so he mainly wears Jordans, and while he loves those, I know how much he misses having those red shoes.

Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now