An Intimate Moment

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 I ended up having a really weird dream that night. It started out where I was walking on the Tokyo streets, but it was completely empty. No one else was there. Then, out of nowhere, this shadowy figure started chasing me. It was dusk and there were storm clouds coming in.

I woke up pretty quickly to see that Deku had covered himself up with one of the blankets that was on the floor. I smiled a bit and noticed that there was sunlight peeking into the room. I remembered it was Saturday and smiled.

I went back to laying down and cuddled up to Deku. But then, he woke up and looked at me. "Good morning, sunshine," he said, smiling.

I love the new nicknames he's giving me. "Good morning baby," I replied. He looked so cute with his messy hair and goofy smile. He then looked at the time.

"Shoot, I gotta get going." He'd been going off a lot lately. I didn't really know why. Eh, whatever. At least he was still around a majority of the time.

I decided that today would just be a free day. I didn't have anything else to do, so I went back to my dorm. I figured that I could make today a self-care day. I didn't have to do anything today. He left for a while, but messaged me that he had a huge surprise for me. I was curious about what it was. He'd soon texted everyone in the server about it. He privately messaged me before that just to tell me that I'd be the very first person he told out of all of them.

When he was back from wherever he'd been, he immediately went up to my dorm room to show me. "Okay, babe, look at this," he said. He then pulled out of his pocket, a card.

"Huh?" I replied. I inspected it closer to find that it was a license.

"I got my driver's license!" I gasped.

"Oh my gosh, that's amazing babe!"

"I know! I'm sorry that I haven't been spending as much time with you as I could, but now we'll be able to spend more time with each other, since I'm not doing driver's training!"

After the excitement wore off, he went downstairs to tell the others. Most of the others were very excited for him. He wanted me to be the first one to experience his driving skills first-hand, however, I already had some plans for this weekend, regarding the Halloween event going on in the park.

I was going to be playing one of the murderers, who looked very similar to Harley Quinn. I wasn't excited for the amount of make-up I'd have to put on. My skin wasn't going to be happy. I was more than prepared for the break outs I'd be facing the next week.

Most of us were going to be helping set up. There wasn't much to be done, but just enough that they needed multiple people to help out. All of us were in charge of doing stuff such as setting up the buildings, decoration, preparing the stuff for the candy. There was going to be a lot of candy. Like, enough to feed an entire village.

The park already looked really scary, even during the daytime. I could see where all of the people were going to be and the staff areas. Most of the staff members looked really tired. How long had they been here for? It couldn't have been long, could it?

While we were setting up, I soon saw a familiar face approaching me, with a bag in his hand. "Baby!" I exclaimed happily, running over. He smiled and chuckled.

"[Y/N]," he replied.

"What's this?" I asked, motioning towards his bag.

"Oh, I brought you some lunch. Your favorite." I smiled and peeked into the bag, seeing [Fav/Lunch] inside. I was quick to wrap my arms around him and kiss him.

"Thank you!"

"No problem princess."

Most of the day was kinda boring. Nothing much to do after getting a few things set up.

I went back to the dorms to find that Deku was the only one there. I guess that everyone else wanted to go out and do things. "Oh, hey [Y/N]!" he said.

"Hi baby," I replied.

"I was just about to go outside and train. Do you wanna join me?" I stopped and thought, before a smirk came across my face.

"You know, you always train by throwing punches and kicking... what if you tried training in another way?" He gave me a confused look.

"What do you mean [Y/N]?" he asked.

"You know." I smirked and raised an eyebrow. A blush came to his face.

"[Y-Y/N]! We're in the dorms!"

"And no one else is here." I started to walk towards him.

{Deku's POV}

She started coming closer to me. Was she being serious? She wanted to do... that? I mean... that kiss yesterday was pretty passionate. I didn't realize that she was actually into that. I always thought that I'd be with a girl who didn't want to get intimate like that until marriage. Especially with the certain risks and us both being too shy to purchase protection.

"I-I mean, if you really want to," I said. Shoot, she was topping me already. I started thinking of ways to gain my confidence back. Then, I realized something. There was a wall just a few feet behind her. If I were to somehow get her back there, I could make something of that. So, I started walking towards her, which caused her to start backing up.

"I thought about it a lot last night," she replied.

"Yeah, last night was pretty special."

"It was."

When she was far enough back, I took both of her hands in my right hand and held them over her head, pushing her against the wall. "Are you sure you're ready for something like this, [Y/N]?" I asked in a low tone. Her face turned a slight shade of pink.

"Yes," she replied. She was clearly trying to cover up some shakiness in her voice.

"Aw, someone getting a little nervous?" She lowered her head.


{[Y/N]'S POV}

This isn't what was supposed to happen. It's not fair that everything was going my way and then he just had to turn it around on me. He chuckled and let go of my hands. "Okay, I really gotta get to training," he said. I gasped.

"Hey, you can't do that!" I replied.

"Do what?"

"Make me all flustered and then leave me here." He rolled his eyes and sighed.

"How about another day, okay? Plus, I don't know when Mineta's getting back and even if we were to go into your dorm, he can practically smell when someone's horny. You wouldn't want him barging in, would you?" I sighed and dropped my shoulders.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now