A Shopping Trip

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 I woke up the next morning, feeling groggy. I only got a few hours of sleep. My mind replayed the events of last night and I remembered, I kissed Deku! Suddenly, I was freaking out. In my tired state, I kissed him! How did he take it? I just remember him looking really wide-eyed and shocked! Was he okay with it? Did I just ruin our friendship?

At this point, I wondered if he even wanted to go out and shop with me today. It wasn't until I received a text from him asking when and where we were gonna meet. He didn't mention anything about the kiss, didn't even seem phased. So did he not care for it? I had to calm myself down, remembering that it's just a text, so the tone isn't going to convert.

I texted him back, telling him to meet me at the train station. We would take the subway over to where Harajuku is, since I know that there's a lot of clothing stores around there for both men and women. I tried to distract myself from the kiss by Googling teenage boy's clothing ideas. It worked a little bit. A lot of the things I found, I pictured on Deku. I told him to also bring his glasses so we could plan a few outfits around those. We'd decided to meet at 2:55 PM, so I arrived at the station at about 2:45. I waved to him as soon as I saw him descend down the steps. We both blushed at the sight of each other. It wasn't long before the subway came.

When we reached Harajuku, we were immediately off to find some clothing stores. It was a little less crowded today. I looked at the sky above. It was cloudy. We were possibly gonna be getting some rain. Maybe that's why no one was out.

I pulled Deku aside. "Okay," I said. "First, show me what your glasses look like." He was hesitant, but pulled out a pair of thin circular glasses. He put them on and I was immediately in awe. He looked so cute. Amazing. "Woah." My jaw was open.

"They're really that bad?" he replied. I stared at him in shock after hearing that sentence.

"No, they look amazing on you! You're so cute! We're going to find so many good outfits for you! Just you wait! You're going to be the best looking person at UA!" He chuckled.

There was a high chance I just looked like an overly-enthusiastic anime character to everyone else. I didn't really care though, I was determined. I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a nearby clothing store, where we found a lot of options for him. He tried on each outfit and would step out of the changing room to show me. "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Those look amazing!"

"You really think so?" he replied.


After a bit more shopping, we found our way to a place that did piercings. "You know, I've always thought about getting my ears pierced," Deku said. "I wanted to get those black dot earrings, but I have no idea how my mom will react."

"Why don't you call and ask her?" I replied. "Might as well, we're right here."

"Yeah, I'll do that."

While he called his mom, I admired how his new outfit looked. He wore out an outfit that consisted of a white dress shirt, a vest with a green and white checkerboard pattern on it and beige pants. He also put on his glasses! He looked perfect!

"She said yes, but she was hesitant," he said.

"That's great!" I replied. "Let's go get your ears pierced!"

While we were in there, I looked at my phone most of the time. I don't really like watching people get their ears pierced, so it was a little bit awkward for me. This time though, I decided to watch. Deku was smiling ear to ear. And when his ears were finally pierced and he had the little dot earrings in, he looked so good overall.

I took a video while his ears were being pierced and honestly felt like a mom. I took a picture of him with his new piercings. "Here, let me add you to our Discord server, you can send it there," he said.

"Okay!" I replied. He added me to the server. I sent the photo in the picture and videos section, with the message, "My baby's growing up". Everyone was so shocked to see this.

Dancing queeeeeeen: Woahhhhh!

Kyoka: Holy shit, you look cool!

Bakugo: Damn it Deku, that's what I was gonna do! Why the fuck did you steal my idea?!

Fly away now!: I was not expecting to see that when I woke up this morning. You look good!

Kota: Wait, [Y/N]'s in the server now?

We decided to head to a cafe before going anywhere else. I got a lemonade and he got a cream soda. I decided to show him pictures that I'd taken where I used to live. I was big on trying to capture the moment when I see something cool, so there were a lot of things. He seemed to enjoy it. I was glad that it didn't annoy him.

After leaving the cafe, we went to a few more clothing stores and got some more items. When we were done with that, we were pretty fast to leave. It wasn't much, but we stopped at a few other places. When we were all done with that, we went out to dinner. It was at this nice restaurant. It felt more like a date than anything, but I wasn't complaining!

We mainly just talked about the outfits we bought. I'd forgotten that UA has uniforms for some reason, but that doesn't mean that he won't wear those outfits. We were planning out some times that we could meet up and go out to different places. We decided that we'd at least see each other every Friday, since that's the start of the weekend when the school day's over. After that, we'd just see where the evening takes us.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now