The Spirit Week

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 When it came time for the spirit week, I was more than ready. Monday's spirit day was Fire and Ice. I'd just made an outfit with a red and blue theme. When I got to school though, I was in awe of everything there. They'd decorated the hallways to have stuff such as snowflakes and flames. And everyone was dressed with the most insane outfits.

Someone in my trig class came in dressed in a cardboard cutout of Iceland. I was confused at first, until they explained that it was known as the land of fire and ice. They were wearing sunglasses and had mini versions of the Icelandic flag sticking out of their hair.

Shoto was the only one that didn't come in dressed up. Considering that his Quirk was Half-Hot Half-Cold, it worked anyways. I didn't know if he just wasn't interested or if he came in in his uniform since he didn't need to dress up at all.

Mr. Aizawa apparently came in wearing a winter coat and had a fake campfire on his desk. I was pretty surprised that he came in dressed up. This is the most rational teacher at UA, so you'd think that spirit days would be considered irrational to him.

For lunch that day, we had a bunch of spicy food. Bakugo was the only one who was unphased by it. They had a dessert option, which was ice cream. I, of course, got [Fav/Flavor] ice cream. Deku got a matcha ice cream, which he let me try a small bite of.

The next day was a little more interesting. It was a Country Western themed day. I wore a button up [F/C] shirt, mom jeans, cowboy boots and a cowboy hat. We had a lot of fun on that day. I got many compliments on my outfit.

As I was walking back to the dorms, I heard a familiar voice (with an accent) from behind me. "Well, hello there little lady! I reckon you haven't been around these here parts," he said. I turned around to see Deku. He was wearing long jeans, a flannel, an All Might cowboy hat, cowboy boots and had an All Might themed bandana around his neck. I chuckled a bit.

"Oh my, now who's this handsome fella following me to the dorms?" I replied. He chuckled before it slowed down.

"Sorry, my accent isn't that good."

"No, no, it was fine."

"You really think so?"

"Yeah! It's better than mine."

 {Deku's POV}

That day was a lot of fun. During lunch, they actually held dance lessons. Snipe was here, dressed in simply his hero costume, since it kinda matched the theme. [Y/N] looked so beautiful. She had her hair styled perfectly and the outfit she chose really made her [E/C] eyes pop.

Some of the guys had forced Kacchan to dress up, which he wasn't happy about.

{[Y/N]'S POV} 

While it was a cool outfit, the shoes and hat made me a bit sweaty throughout the day. I took my hat off, but the shoes had to stay on for a little while longer. I couldn't wait to take them off. That's what I did as soon as I got to the dorms. I didn't even wait to go up to my room, I took them off right then and there. "Ew, [Y/N], PUT YOUR DOGS AWAY!" Bakugo yelled.

"Says the guy who lays his bare feet on Kirishima's lap," I replied.

Some people remained in their outfits for the rest of the day. Others changed into different clothing. After putting the rest of my outfit away and changing into something more suitable for that night, I did my homework, went outside and laid a blanket on the grass.

I sat there for a few hours, just snacking on some food, sipping on lemonade and watching Netflix. It was gonna start getting colder soon, so I wanted to spend some time outside while the weather was still nice. It was gonna be snowing in December. The weather wouldn't start getting nice again until April.

I picked up the blanket when it was time for dinner and put it in my room. After dinner, me and some of the girls decided to take a small walk just outside of UA. Mina also remembered that she needed to talk to someone at the school about some sorta fundraiser she wanted to do. I guess that it was supposed to help raise money for the families still facing the devastation of the war and to help them get housing, therapy, any other stuff they may need. We decided to do that before, so we could go on a walk after.

"I wanna do something like the festival we had, you know? But I wanna have a bunch of us put on a show. Dancing, singing, all of that amazing stuff," she explained.

"So... kinda like a talent show?" I replied.

"Well, sorta. I want the show to be exclusively singing and dancing, with maybe a bit of a comedic break in the middle."

"Ah, I see."

"Ooh, what if Kyoka sang again?" Momo suggested. Jiro shrugged.

"I'd be down," she replied. Mina pumped her fist and cheered.

After getting up to the office and explaining what we needed help with, they had us fill something out and sit off to the side.

Mina talked our ears off about what she was hoping for the performance. She told us about the songs she wanted to have played and what dances she was planning. She told us that she wanted to have some songs by BABYMETAL and Monsters by All Time Low somewhere in it and she constantly ranted about how she didn't want all of them to just be like super easy dances.

She seemed to be really passionate about this thing. I'd be very happy to help her. I'm sure that I could learn a dance or two to help her fulfill her goal. After all, she is more like family than a friend. Momo was happy to help too. She was talking about making decorations and what the theme could be. Someone caught my eye. They'd just walked out of one of the nearby offices, holding some papers and wearing a pretty heavy looking winter coat. I tried to get a closer look at them, but they had their back turned. Something about them looked so familiar.

But, before long, they noticed me first. "Hey [Y/N]!" they called. I slowly stood up, trying to figure out who they were.

"Please give me a reminder of who you are," I replied. They cleared their throat.

"Okay, okay. Hey, it's me, Goku!" I gasped, suddenly recognizing them.


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