Bowling and Earthquakes

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 The next day, school wasn't that interesting. Deku had invited me to hang out with him and some of his friends, so the day was going by extra slowly. You know how when you're in school and you're excited for something to happen, so the day goes extra slow? Yeah, that's what was happening. I kept looking at the clock. It was still morning. Not even lunchtime. What a shame. My classes were going by like a villain had used a time slowing Quirk or something. It wasn't supposed to go like this! It feels like 2, but it is 11.

When the final bell rang, I raced out of the classroom. I practically ran to the front, where I soon saw a familiar face. "Hey Deku!" I said.

"Hey [Y/N]," he replied. He was wearing the same outfit as yesterday. Huh.

"What are you doing here?"

"I thought that I'd pick you up from school today, you know, since we're gonna be hanging at the dorms." Wait, at the dorms?

"I thought we were just gonna be meeting at the bowling alley or something."

"Well, yeah, we're gonna go to the bowling alley, but first we're going to chill at the dorms, because there's nothing else for us to do until then. Plus, you can meet the rest of the group in person that way." I mean, he had a point, but isn't that what would be happening at bowling? Eh, either way, I was all good with it, meeting the others and all that.

Turns out, his teacher was totally chill with someone who's not a student going to the dorms. You'd think that as a teacher of a class that has gotten attacked over and over again would want more caution, but whatever.

When we got to the dorms, the chaos was immediately evident. Everybody was doing something different. This guy with lips as thick as Kylie Jenner's was baking in the kitchen, Ashido and some blonde guy were playing Just Dance on one TV while Jiro and Kaminari were playing Rock Band on the other, Bakugo was laying on the couch listening to music. Deku introduced me to everyone that I hadn't met already. They all seemed way too enthusiastic to see me. Eh, at least they were happy. They didn't find me annoying or anything.

Pretty soon, we left for the bowling alley. We were the biggest group there. I honestly really liked the shoes. I'd be considered weird for that, but they were cool! I made sure to cut my nails before this, so they wouldn't break in the holes of the bowling ball.

The entire time we were there, it was a lot of fun! We ordered some pizzas, got sodas and were just having a blast. It was a lot of fun to just let loose and hang out with other people my age who were into age appropriate activities.

We took lots of pictures and videos, one of which featured Iida doing a victory dance and Bakugo slipping and falling forward when trying to take a shot. Everytime Deku and I would look at each other, my face would get hot. I didn't know how to react. I didn't even know where we were after that kiss. We were treating each other the same, but I honestly wanted to be something more! Either way, tonight we were meant to have fun.

After bowling, we tallied up our points and found that Bakugou won over all, which he lorded over the others. I was sad that we couldn't stay out later due to having school the next day. However, the next day held something that I never would've expected.

We were in first period, doing our work, when suddenly, I felt the desk start shaking. No, not just the desk, everything was shaking. The other students looked around frantically, wondering what was going on. Was it an earthquake? I did something that probably wasn't smart, but the best option I could think of. I picked up my stuff and ran out of the room.

The shaking wasn't that violent, so I made it outside unscathed. I decided, screw it, I'm not going to school today, I'm going to find my aunt. I'll just go to her work so I'd at least be with someone I trusted. I didn't make it far before the shaking became ten times more violent. It knocked me to the ground. I immediately curled up and covered my head, bracing for impact in case something fell over me or students ran out over me.

When the shaking finally came to a stop, I got out of the position and slowly raised my head. I saw that there were a lot of other students outside. Their uniforms were all dirtied. Their faces, filled with distress. They were all looking at something in the direction of the school. I looked in their direction. My jaw dropped. Our school was in ruins. Everything fell. How did I not hear or notice this? Was it just because I was worrying about myself? I didn't even know how much time had passed. All that I knew was that my school was no more.

Teachers were helping students out from underneath the debris. Law enforcement showed up. Everybody was being escorted to a more open area. We soon found out that the cause of this earthquake was a villain who had a Quirk that caused it. He was apparently running through, trying to escape from the police and decided to bring them down by causing a magnitude 7 earthquake. It worked, however, the villain was captured after it reached this shopping center.

I was helped to an open area by a police officer, who asked me questions about the incident. I told him all that I knew, before he walked away and asked some other students. What's going to happen now? I mean, yay, no school, but that was scary. I'd rather fake being sick than risk getting a real injury. I needed a hero.


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