Finally Safe Again

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 While in the dorms, the TV was on, on an American football game happening in the US, rather than one here in Japan. I guess that Kirishima had put it on to take a break from the constant violence on the news. It certainly worked. Everyone was distracted, except for some of the girls. There were little kids in here, which Momo was reading stories to. I was happy to see that they were actually smiling, rather than shaking in fear. There was even some laughter due to the events in the books.

With the football game, the kids and the people actually enjoying themselves, we seemed to forget what was actually going on. That is, until a newscast interrupted the game. A lady sat on the other side of the screen, dressed formally and holding notecards. "We interrupt this program to report some breaking news, the man who has created the mimicking Nomus has been caught and arrested by authorities," she said.

"WHAT?!" Deku exclaimed. The screen showed a picture of the guy who created the Nomus. He looked kinda like Eggman from the Sonic series.

"Officials say that all remaining Nomus have been destroyed and it is now safe to go out again." Cheers erupted from our small building. I felt tears come to my eyes. It's the end of an era. I felt so, so happy.

Deku was so quick to hug me. I hugged back, burying my face into his shoulder. I rested his hand on the back of my head. His fingers ran through my hair. I gripped onto him, not daring to let go. I felt so excited for the future suddenly, more so than I was before to be honest.

I inhaled and realized something. Deku smelled really bad. "Honey, I know that this may not be the best time, but you have a bit of odor," I said.

"Oh, yeah, I know," he replied. I heard his stomach growl.

"We'll make some dinner," Sato said, seeming to realize how hungry we'd all be.

"I'll go take a shower, you should too stinker. And could you get me some clean clothes?" My jaw dropped.

"Yeah, you too stinky." He chuckled and went towards my old room. I took a moment to smell my armpits. Oh yeah, I guess I did need to shower.

I went up to Deku's old dorm and grabbed some clothes out of his dresser. One of the outfits I picked out for him when we went shopping that one day. I stopped by the men's side of the bathhouse and briefly dropped off his clothes. When I went to the women's side, I found some of my own clothes neatly folded. I smiled.

{Deku's POV}

It felt nice to get clean. I ran my fingers through my hair, scrubbing each and every part. While I was doing this, I thought about everything that'd just happened. Me and [Y/N] were going to have such a nice night tonight.

Wanting to just snuggle with her, I thought of activities we could do. We were going to most likely find a book to read or just eat snacks.

When I was all clean and dried off, I put my clothes on and walked out to the kitchen, where Toga was serving up bowls of ramen. "We went simple tonight," she said.

"It looks amazing," I replied, taking a bowl.

Sitting down at one of the tables, I looked up and saw [Y/N] walking out from the bathhouse. I smiled as she sat down across from me. "Do you like the clothes I picked out?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do," she replied. We started eating and talking with the others there. Many other folks were able to go home, as their homes weren't faced with that much destruction. Mineta was telling (obviously fake) war stories and trying to make it seem like he did something. Although, he was a good storyteller.

{[Y/N]'S POV}

I rolled my eyes at Mineta's war stories. "We get it, you liked this woman's breasts, can you just get to the good part, that you keep assuring us, actually happened," I groaned.

"Never underappreciate good gravity pulling honker-bonkers," he replied.

"Well, I, for one, am enjoying my meal," Deku beamed.

"I'm glad you guys like it, I added a little extra spice, so I hope it isn't too spicy," Sato explained.

"I barely even taste the spiciness, this is weak," Bakugo grumbled.

"Speaking of spice," Mineta said. Many of the women glared at him.

After dinner, [Y/N] and I went up to my old dorm. It was so weird seeing it again. Nothing had changed. I guess that no one had been staying in it. I laid out a few blankets and pillows on the ground. We sat down and got comfortable and warm. "Hey, I remember that date we had that the others set up," Deku said.

"Oh yeah, it looked just like this didn't it?" I replied.

We cuddled with each other for a while. I was just happy to have my husband back. I wanted to stay here forever and not have to move. Luckily, now we could stay as long as we wanted. There weren't any threats. Anything that could tear us apart. There was just us. Us and the room around us.

Although, everything started fading out after a while. That's how I could tell I was getting tired. I think that Deku was too and could tell that I was. He took off his glasses and set them aside, holding onto me tighter. Feeling his breath against the top of my head, I knew that I was safe. I hadn't felt this safe in months. He truly was my safe place. The one person I can seek peace and not have to worry about hurting him in. I thanked everything that ever happened to bring us together. I smiled slightly as I fell asleep in the warmth and strength of his arms.


Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now