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"Now, you guys rest first alright? I'll make some food" I said as I ushered my mates to sit down.

Tora was about to say something but I shake my head. "No no it's fine, I'll be the one cooking today, you guys need rest" I said and didn't wait for any of them to say another word and went to the kitchen.

I rummage around the kitchen trying to find what to cook. 'Maybe I should make some soup?' I thought as I looked at the different vegetables in the small cabinet.

'Hmm what meat should I use?' Just as I was thinking about this, Tora called me saying that Xavier was outside.

I went out of the kitchen and went to greet him in the door. "Xavier. It's good to see that you weren't injured or anything" I said as I took a quick glance at his body to see if he had any injuries on him. 'Must be because his a six star, Carlos didn't have any wound on him either' I thought before finally noticing the big fish he was holding.

"For you. When I got back I went to the river to take a bath and wash the blood off me when I caught this" he said as he handed Tora the fish.

It looked like a giant tuna, but with much more brighter blue scales and the end was a dark yellow in color.

'Bingo! I can make some fish soup with this! And I can even have some roasted one since I can't fry some yet as they still haven't found any oil' I thought before looking at Xavier again.

"Would you like to have lunch with us?" I asked making him eyes go wide for a sec before he nodded with a silly grin.

"Great! Kei! Kali! Can you bring the pots from the kitchen outside? We're gonna have lunch here so Xavier can join us. Lucas start the fire please" I turned back and called out to my males.

The three who I called hurriedly went to do what I ordered and The other three just calmly walked outside.

"What are you gonna make with that?" Xavier asked curiously as he watched the other males set up some furs for me to sit on.

"Tora, can you cut it into cube slices?" I asked  and he nodded and immediately went to work.

Rio went back inside and took all the things I need for cooking such as the vegetables and salt.

Once the things were done, I ordered Carlos to fetch me some water and I began cutting the vegetables with a bone knife I asked Archie to carve about two weeks ago.

Xavier and the others tried to convince me that I should just sit back and relax and let them do the work but I shooked my head.

"I can handle some simple cooking. I don't want to be like the females who can only depend on their males to do everything for them.

And all of need some rest, you just fought and your still injured. Now sit down and rest or else no lunch for all of you" I huffed making them pout as they obediently sat down.

'Hehe, being a female really is nice' I thought as I began cooking the soup. And while I was waiting for it, I began to roast some meat over the fire.

And about 20 minutes later, the soup and roasted fish meat were ready. The yummy and delicious aroma hit my nose as I began grabbing some bowls and beginning to fill them with soup and handing them to my mates.

And lastly, I served Xavier some before getting some for myself. "Well go on, try it" I said as I noticed they still hasn't touch their food.

"But you should eat first" Xavier said making me shake my head. "I'm not going to eat until you taste that soup and tell me what it taste like" I huffed and glared at them.

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