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"I can walk on my own so stop worrying about it" I huffed as I walked towards the healers hut. My mates being the over protective males they are kept on insisting to carry me.

"Um.. Please wait!" I heard someone say making me stop in my tracks. I raised a brow when I saw Fara and a few other half beast walking towards me.

"Um, can I help you?" I blinked in confusion on why they wanted to talk to me. "We wanted to ask if you wanted to be the leader of our little group" Fara sheepishly said.

"Eh? Are you sure you want me to be the leader of your group? Why though?" I asked as I looked at her then at the four females behind her.

"Well as we saw you are the current village chiefs mate. Plus your also beautiful so you already filled two out of the three categories" one of them answered. She was also from the lion tribe.

"Are you really sure you want me to be your leader?" I asked and they nodded in response. "Um, alright. I'll think about it later, for now I need to go to the healers hut" I explained to them.

"Are you sick?" Another on asked, she was a wolf female. "No, I'm going there for the healer to check on my cubs" I slightly patted my stomach.

"Woah, how lucky. I've been trying to get pregnant for a few years now but no luck" Fara sigh as she looked at her own stomach.

"Well, maybe you'll have some this year. Just have faith" I smiled at her making her smile too.

"Mhm, we won't bother you any more. We hope your cubs are healthy" she said as she and the other female run back to their respective families.

"Looks like you have your own little group now" Kei chuckled making me huff. "Yes as you can see" I offered him a small grin as we continue on our way to the healer, with me still ignoring their request to carry me to make it faster.

Minutes later, we finally arrived at the hut and I knocked on the door. "Ah female. Please come in" the Kyle, the healers name that I just learned last time, said as he stepped aside.

I nodded and went inside with Archie while the others waited outside. "May I have the permission to touch you female?" Kyle asked as he looked at me then at Archie.

I nodded and held up my wrist to him. He then began checking my health and my pulse.

After a few minutes later he smiled at us. "You have three healthy male cubs, congratulations" he said making me sigh in relief.

"Thank you" I smiled and stood up as Archie payed him a clear crystal. And before I can even say a word or take another step, Archie scooped me up and began walking out of the hut.

"Eek! Archie put me down! I can walk on my own" I whined but it all fell into deaf ears as he continued to walk where the others were.

With a huff, I just crossed my arms and let him be. There was no use arguing with him anyway, this guy was more stubborn than me sometimes.

Just as we were about to leave, a frantic looking wolf came running to us. "Village chief!" All our attention turned to him making him gulp but he still proceeded to explain why he was looking so frantic.

"Rootless beast. We saw some rootless beast fighting some males and those males had three females with them, a half beast and two whole females" The wolf explained.

"How many males are there to fend for those females? Gather some males to help them. Now!" Rio ordered making the male nod.

He shifted into his wolf form and run, howling all the way. It alerted all the males in the village as a dozen of males came out and rushed after the wolf.

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