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"Where do you want to go next?" Tora asked as we finished exploring the village. "Oh, yeah. Can we go outside the village? I want to look for the plant I mentioned to Bailey earlier" I asked making them look at each other for a few seconds.

"Alright, just stay with us the whole time okay? We can't risk anything happening to you" Tora said making me nod eagerly.

He then scooped me up before going outside the village, nodding to the beast men who were guarding there.

"We'll be back in a bit, my female just wants to go outside for a bit" he said as the guards return his nod and looked at me.

I gave them a small wave before turning around as Tora began walking again, Kei was right behind us.

"This plant your looking for, what does it look like?" Tora asked as he looked around. "Hm well it's about this long, it's green and has tiny little spike on its side" I tried my best to describe it and looked around too.

"Do you mean that?" Kei asked as he pointed at some. "Yes!" My eyes lit up a bit as Tora walked towards them.

"Tora, can you grab me some?" I looked at Tora with an eager smile and he nodded. He handed me to Kei and grabbed a handful.

"Great! Now I can have something to use for my hair" I smiled and we went back to the village. "Tora, grabbed me my clothes you made yesterday. We're going to the river" I said and Tora run off back to the house while me and Kei went to the river.

And on the way there, I saw Bailey. And it seemed that she saw me too as she then walked towards me.

"Hi Bailey" I greeted with a smile as she nodded in return. "So, did you find it?" She asked making me hum.

"I did. You can use it while your bathing and leave it for a while before washing it off. It might seem a bit slimy at first glance but trust me, they'll make your hair look nice" I said making her nod again.

"Very well then. I'll consider you as my 'friend' like you said" she said making me smile. "Yay" I clapped my hands together before an idea came to find.

"Oh yes! As a sign of our newly made friendship, I'll have Kei deliver some meat to you later" I said and she gave a satisfied nod.

"Alright, then I will have one of my mates send you some furs back to you" she gave me a small smile making me grin.

"Sera? Oh there you are!" Cassie said as she spotted me. She then went towards us, with Jason and another male following behind them.

"Oh Cassie. Hi" I smiled at her while Bailey just stared blankly at her. "Do you have no manner to just interrupt us while we're talking?" Bailey scoffed as she crossed her arms.

"What?" Cassie blinked in confusion as she turned to Bailey. "You, how dare a half beast like you interrupt us whole females while we're speaking" Bailey glared at her.

"And do you not know what a comb is? Your hair looks like a rats nest, it's disgusting" Bailey snickered as Cassie looked at her in disbelief.

Jason and the other male growled at her making Bailey's own mates growl at them. 'Yeah, we better leave here before we got involved in their fighting' I thought as looked at the two.

'Did this even happen in the novel? No' I shaked my head as Kei took a step back as a precaution.

"What did I do to you? I just met you so why are you being so rude?" Cassie bit her lips as she eyed Bailey's mates. 'I hope she knows that she's outnumbered' I thought and continued to watch them.

"Because you dared to interrupt our conversation" Bailey answered as she rolled her eyes. "Just because of that? And it doesn't mean that you have more mates than me means your above me. All females are equal" Cassie said making Bailey look at her like she was crazy.

'Yep, she shouldn't have said that' I awaited for what will Bailey said next. "All females are equal?" Bailey scoffed before looking at me then back at Cassie.

"Your wrong. We whole females are more precious that you half beast, do you wanna know why? Because we're more fertile and much more rarer than you" she gestured to herself then at me.

"No wonder I saw several males chasing after Sera the moment she left the village center yesterday. I mean she's a whole female while your just a half beast. I don't even understand why that wolf choosed you over her" Bailey shaked her head before walking towards me.

"Come on Sera, we'll be heading to the river" Bailey said and I reluctantly followed after her after glancing at Cassie who looked at me with disbelief.

"I wonder why she acted like that? She wasn't like that before" I muttered making Bailey scoff a bit.

"Hmp! She was super rude" Bailey said as she crossed her arms and looked away. When we arrived, Tora was already waiting for us there.

"We'll be over there" Tora said as Kei set me down. Me and Bailey then went to the river. 'Eh, I really never bathed with someone else, well especially naked' I thought as I watched Bailey take of her clothes.

With a small sigh, I too took my own clothes before dipping myself in the river. "So how do we use this?" Bailey curiosly asked as she looked at the aloe vera in my hand.

"Well first, you open this up" I said and used my nails to cut the side. "See? It might seem slimy but that's what helps you make your hair nice" I explained and proceeded to teach her.

"Now all we have to do is wait for a bit before washing it off. It might not have a effect right away, but the longer you use it the more prettier you hair becomes" I said as we finished applying some in our hair.

"I don't see any marks on you body. Have you not mated with your males yet?" She asked as she looked at my body.

My face became flush a bit before I shaked it off. "I still haven't, but I am planning on mating with my tiger male later" I said making her nod.

"You should get more males, females like us need more protection" she said making me hum. "I will, I just need to mate with males first" I said making her nod.

"I can give you my brothers if you want" she said making me chuckle at her.


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