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"Here's my house. You can come and visit me when you want. Although it might take a while before I will accept you as a mate" I turned to Kali when I said this.

"I'll be back tomorrow to bring you fruits" he smiled and left. "So, what do you think of him? Do you guys approve of him?" I asked making them all nod.

"Although I am a bit curious on why you picked him over the the three star when their in the same clan" Rio said.

But when I turned to him he immediately looked down. "Rio it's fine. You just asked me a question" I waved my hands at him as we entered the house.

"It's just I'm curious on why you picked him" he mumbled making me hum. "Well first of, he still has potential to gain more stars. Second of all, Tony was rude. I don't want to see him belittling my mates just because they are weak. Imagine if I took him and I took another male in the future, someone who is weaker than him. What do you think would happen?" I looked at him.

"He would definitely bully the much weaker male" he answered making me nod. "Exactly. I don't want any of you fighting with each other unless it's for sparing or mating" I explained making him nod.

"Well, I'll be heading upstairs now" I said and was about to leave when Tora suddenly scooped me up. "I think your forgetting something" he chuckled and went upstairs with Archie following behind him.

'Welp, looks like I ain't sleeping early tonight' I silently chuckled as we entered the bedroom.


I woke the next day feeling a bit sore, and more hungrier than ever. "I'm hungry" I grumbled as I sat up and looked at the two males who were still sleeping besides me.

"Your food is here, I'll grab you a basin of water to bathe in" Lucas said as he entered the room with a leaf filled with meat in hand.

"Rio will be up here shortly with some fruits that Kali sent" He said as he handed me the meat. I was about to reach for it when I suddenly had the urge to vomit.

Quickly standing up, the feeling seemed to worsen as I hurried out of the window in the room and throwed up.

"Sera?! Are you alright?" Lucas worriedly as he dropped the meat and went over to me. Tora and Archie also ran to me after hearing Lucas.

Soon enough, I also heard Rio rushing in. "What happened? Are you alright? Was the meat bad?" He questioned and joined me and the others at the window.

I shake my head and took deep breaths. "Water" I didn't need to say anything else as Archie quickly left the room and return a minute later, holding  a big leaf with water.

'Yep, definitely need to make some cups' I thought as I slowly drank the water to ease up the burning sensation in my throat. "Sera, are you okay?" Tora worriedly asked before sniffing the air and he stilled.

Seeing this, the others followed and sniffed the air. "Um, what's going on?" I asked a bit hesitant to why they were acting like this.

"We need to go to the healer to confirm it" Archie said with a small grin making me furrow my brows even more. "Can someone explain to me what the heck is going on?" I looked at my mates, waiting for an explanation.

"Get dress first. We're going to the healer. He'll explain to you why we're acting like this" Tora explained as he tied a cloth to his lower part.

"Fine" I huffed as Archie handed me the meat again, thankfully I didn't have the urge to vomit this time and quickly ate the food. I then took a bath and changed before letting Lucas carry me.

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