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It has been four days since the little accident with Cassie and my mates became more protective of me, not even letting any suitors near a five meter radius near me.

If I didn't stop them they wouldn't even allow Kyle who was a healer near me. And speaking of Kyle, I was now in his hut screaming my lungs out as I tried pushing my first cub.

"Fuck!! It hurts!" I cried out as I gripped Tora's hand tighter, which in return made my tiger mate wince.

"It's okay Sera, your doing great" Archie who was at the other side of me reassured me. "I can see the first cubs head, just a little more" Kyle said making me push harder.

And minutes later I felt something come out of me. "Congratulations, the first cub is out" Kyle smiled making me grin.

But that grin soon disappeared as I felt another cub coming out. "Oh shoot" I panted heavily and pushed more, finally getting the last two cubs out.

I took a few deep breaths while I watched as Kyle cleaned then before handling them to Archie.

"Congratulations to giving birth to three healthy cubs" he said as Archie handed me the cubs for feeding.

"Who's cub?" I asked as Kyle left, giving me some privacy to pull my top down and I took two cubs and feed them. It was like an instinct that I naturally knew what to do about the cubs and all.

"Mine" Archie said as he looked at the last cub with a small smile. "Who was the first and who was the last?" I asked as I looked at down on the cubs who were busy sucking on my breast.

"The one on your left the the first, and the one I have is the last. Which means the one in the right is the middle cub" Archie said making me nod.

'Okay, so I'll name the first one Uno, the second one Dos and the last one Tres' I thought as I decided to name Spanish number so I have something to call them until they mature and pick their own names.

It's really unfair that I can't choose a name for my own cubs but I decided to just go with it. 'It's alright, as long as my mates say it's fine to name them that then I'll name them that' I thought as the first two finally finished latching on me.

I handed them to  Archie and took the last one and began feeding him. "What did you decide to call them?" Archie asked.

"Uno, Dos, Tres" I grinned making them all tilt their heads. "Those are good names" Tora mumnled making me nod.

"Yeah, those are Spanish number for one, two  and three" I said making then all nod. I then waited for the last cub, aka Tres to finish drinking before pulling my tops up.

"Have some rest. We know your tired" Tora said making me nod in response. I handed Tres to Archie and layed down on the fur bed in the hut.

"Wake me up if they need to be fed again" I muttered and closed my eyes, feeling sleep wash over in an instant.


The next morning, I woke up due to Kali shaking me slightly. "Mhm?" I groaned and sat up, rubbing my eyes slightly.

"The cubs need feeding" he said as he handed me the three cubs. I nodded as I took Uno and Tres from his hand and pulled my tops down to feed them.

"Tora and Rio are preparing breakfast for you. Kei and Lucas went hunting while Archie and Carlos are sparring some where near the river" Kali said after  a few minutes of silence.

I nodded in response to that as I look around, seeing that I was back in our own den. "Who carried me back?" I asked and focused on the two cuties on my hands.

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