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I woke up the next morning feeling slightly happy that my sleep didn't get interrupted. I slightly stretched my arms up and got out of bed.

'Are they outside already?' I thought as I looked around, not finding Tora or Kei around. "Sera? Are you awake?" Tora called out from outside.

"Yes" I stood up and went outside, being immediately greeted by the smell of freshly cooked meat.

Lucas and Archie were also there. "Good morning" I greeted with a smile and almost let out a giggle when I saw Lucas and Archie's confused faces.

I smiled as went to them and explained what good morning meant. They both nodded in understanding once I was done explaining.

Just then, one of Bailey's mate came running. Tora growled in warning making the male stop, he then shifted to his human form and looked at me.

"Bailey wants me to tell you to get ready, one of Cassie's mate is trying to challenge her father for the position of the village chief. And he wins, he'll be the new chief which also means she can kick you out of the village" he said in one go making me blink in surprise.

'Huh?! What the fuck?! This never happened in the novel! Did I really changed how the plot should be? Great! Just fucking great!!' I can feel that my jolly morning was officially ruined by this.

"Alright, thanks for telling me" I waved him off as I turned to Tora and Kei. "Pack all the furs and other useful stuff, I'm sure Cassie is really gonna kick me out of this village" I sigh as I rub my forehead in frustration.

"If her mate wins I can challenge him, I'm a five star while his a four star. I'll surely win" Archie said making me shake my head.

"No, there's no need for that. Let's just leave" I muttered with a sigh. "If that's what you want" Archie smile even though he looked like he really wants to challenge Luka back if they did kick me out.

"I can't believe my brother would do that" Lucas growled, although it kinda sound funny coming from a flying beast.

It didn't take long for Bailey to arrive, and she frowned once she saw me. "Her mate won, and she did say she'll kick you out of here" she said making me smile sadly.

"Can I get a hug before I leave?" I opened my arms to her as her mate put her down. "Goodbye" she whispered making me shake my head.

"This is not goodbye yet, will see each other one day again. Be safe" I smiled as Tora shifted to his tiger form and layed down, just enough for me to climb on his back.

'Woah, I never rode on his back before. Most of the time he just carries me' I thought before turning back to Bailey.

"See you soon Bailey" I smiled just in time for Cassie to arrive. "Hmp, I see you took the initiative to get out yourself. I thought I was gonna drag you out" she said making me roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" I said before Tora turned around and began walking. "Hmp! I can't believe her" I muttered as Kei and the other followed behind in their beast form. We then left the village.

{Meanwhile.... }

Cassie smirked when she saw her ex best friend leaving. Although it kinda pissed her off that she didn't even feel sad or didn't even beg to stay here, she just left.

Cassie then noticed that some females were already there, and she can't help but notice there angry glares they give her. Especially the wolf female Sera had gotten close to.

Bailey didn't even try hiding her scowling face for she knew her mates would win when it comes down to a fight. After all, the female in front of her only has three males while she had 17.

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