Chapter 66

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So I went back after looking over my plot points last night and I changed things from like chapter 4-13. his age when he was first kidnapped was originally 10 but due to future plot purposes his age then was 4. And he's 15 now so that's that.

Also I realize how cringey my outros are and I'm very sorry for all the trauma they may have cost you.

Izuku's POV

He slowly opened the sliding door into the homeroom of class 1a and with an appologetic smile directed towards Uraraka, the white hair boy tries to maintain his low profile.

Unfortuantely for him the whole class had heard what had happened in Hosu from Iida and they all rushed to his side.

"I heard you were part of the people fighting the villains at Hosu." Kaminari states, his eyes wide with awe.

"It isn't that fucking cool." Bakugou mutters and everyone ignores him.

"Yeah- yes." Izuku says stuttering. "I was there with Ii- Iida kun."

"Woah that's so manly." Kirishima says smiling at the poor boy.

"NOT THAT FUCKING MANLY." Bakugou says bitterly.

"My dad was there too. I saw on the news that he took all the credit for the whole capturing of the hero killer." Shoto says his eyes burning with an unspoken fire.

"FUCKING BULLSHIT THIS WHOLE THING." Bakugou says and everyone ignores him again.

"Why didn't you and Iida get the credit? *ribbit." Tsuyu asks and Momo gently pats the frog girl on the shoulder.

"It's because Aoi-kun and Iida-kun both used their quirks without a hero license that allows them to use their quirks. It would be considered illegal and so punishment would be due. And since our classmates are underage it would be directed towards to the mentors at the time who was Manuel and Aizawa. It's also because Izuku and Iida did the whole country a huge favour catching the villain and the police department deemed it was okay to keep it under wraps, seeing as how no one actually was a witness to the whole situation." Momo explains.

Izuku nods his hair bouncing. 

"Hmmm...." Shoji says and Tokoyami squeezes out a, "REVELRY IN THE DARK!"

Mineta leans over and practically shoves his face into Izuku's as the boy asks, "What was it like fighting the hero killer, Stain?"

"Well-- I- you'll um have to ask Iida-kun that. He was the one who fought Stain himself." Izuku says his facing flushing a bright red colour and rubbing the back of his neck. 

Bakugou had long gone quiet but at this moment his head snapped up and he stared deep into Izuku's eyes, contemplating something.

"Aoi-kun I don't know why you keep insisting that I was the one who defeated Stain. I recall I passed out after only being able to kick the villain once." Iida says coming to surround Izuku's table too.

"That's kinda of strange don't you think?" Bakugou asks, "Anyone would be jumping at the fucking chance to be able to claim they defeated the hero killer but you still insist that it was the bitch, four-eyes, who did it. That's so fucking weird."

Everyone had been thinking that but nobody had wanted to say it and having someone like Bakugou say was as relieving as awkward.

"No it really was Iida." Izuku says his mental side laughing itself hoarse, "I'm sure Iida-kun did a lot but he can't remember anything because of the hit he took to his head."

He just wanted to screw around with the class and Mina Ashido who looked quite tired suddenly stated something.

"I met Akari last night." 

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