Chapter 1

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Izuku's POV





Rules. That's what defines this world.

Everything followed rules. He understood that, from a young age. No hard feelings there. After all, he was defined by his own rules.

He just - he just wished that other people wouldn't define him by their own rules.

Rules were his pair of shackles for him. Something he could never break free from.

No matter how hard he tried. No matter how hard he cried. No matter what he did. They were always there. A gleaming pair of words and opinions surrounding his wrists. Holding him down. Holding him back.

His rules were enough. He thought. Enough for him.

Don't do this. Don't do that.

Don't watch your mother cry at your father's funeral. It's better to look away. Don't look at people's faces as they say their goodbyes. TUNE OUT THEIR EMPTY WORDS.

Don't remember that night he died. Don't remember watching your mother waking up from her deep sleep as a villain escapes out their bedroom window. Don't watch her choke on her own screams and his blood as she awakens. Don't watch as the police arrive. Don't. DON'T. Close your eyes, close your ears. Don't.

Don't hate the world, hate leads to more misfortune.

No those weren't rules. The rules came later. Those don't(s) came from his personal experience.


"Mommy!" The poor green-haired boy shouted trying to get his mother to listen to him. "MOMMY! I'm so excited. What quirk do you think I'll get?! I- I'll use it to save people! Just like All Might!"

His mother's blank face scared him and he shouted again. With a flinch she looked at him and smiled fondly. Her eyes leak tears as she reaches down and grabs his hands in hers. They were in the waiting room at the doctor's. She was yet to get over her husband's death. She would be strong again. For him and her son. She owed it to them after all. Her face hardened with resolve. She would protect her baby. 

"Oh Izu." She whispers fondly. "I'll be happy with whatever you get."

The little boy laughs and with a sigh, his mother lets go of his hands and thinks. At least something is going in the right direction for us.

"Inko Midoriya and Izuku Midoriya?" A nurse calls.

They stand up and she smiles kindly down at the green-haired boy. "Are you ready?"

He nodded vigorously and she smiles again, "We'll then follow me."

They followed her into the doctor's room. Inko watches as the doctor examines Izuku. His facial expression twitches and she braces herself for her son's results.

"I-" He starts and clears his throat before turning to Inko. "I'm sorry your son doesn't have a quirk."

Inko's heart dropped in her chest. Her son didn't have a quirk? But-!

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