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Anushka : can you suggest a date, not this close neither too far.

Pandit ji last time calculate the date and suggested a date 45 days away from the present day.

Siddharth and Avneet still thinks that the date after 7 days is best choice. But his parents and Anushka agree on the date after 45 days.

Avneet : Anushka, give me a minute?

Anushka : yeah.

Avneet bring Anushka in a corner.

Avneet : yaar, Anushka why can't we final the nearest date, yaar I can't wait to make him mine for 45 days.

Anushka : heyyy despo, just control yourself, they are your in law's. Stop behaving like this.

Avneet : but yaar.

Anushka : I think, I should go and talk to aunty and uncle to fix date after 1 year.

Avneet : no way...

Anushka : so be a good girl, I want to make this memorable, after all its your wedding my sis. I have to look the prettiest in every event. I will make sure that every event will be grand.

Avneet : okay. (She agree but with a grumpy kiddish face)

Anushka : good girl, come with me.

They join his family again.

Anushka : so the date is final, let's plan an engagement ceremony after a week then.

His parents agree.

After some more discussion, Avneet and Anushka have to take a leave now.

In whole discussion, our future bride and groom remain silent and kept blushing.

Avneet wants a little time with Siddharth. At least to congratulate him.

They all walk out.

The cars are standing outside.

Anushka : uncle - aunty, I wanna talk something?

His parents : yeah sure.

Anushka : not here, can I get a moment.

His parents nodded.

Anushka (whispers into Avneet's ear) : you have 5 minutes. So hurry up.

Anushka bring his parents little away from them.

Siddharth : what happened, I hope everything is okay?

Stay tuned.

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