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On the other hand,

In Nigam's residence,

Siddharth is feel so bad and guilty to shout on Avni. He is feeling like he made a mistake for what he should personally go apologize to her.

Siddharth POV

I don't know what was wrong with me, why I shouted on Avni, what she did wrong.

She just tried to protect, she get angry on that constable when he try to drag me.

She did all this out of love and in the return of her love, I shouted on her, I behaved her rudely for a worthless phone.

I did wrong, I should apologize to her. But I don't have her contact number and my phone is with that constable so I will go take my phone first then I will say sorry to her.

With this decision, I retired on my bed.

POV ends.

Next morning,

I was having breakfast.

Siddharth : I am not feeling hungry, mom, I had one bread, now I should leave, I have to go to police station as well to receive my phone.

Vibha aunty : Siddharth, finish your food. And dont be upset.

Siddharth : I am not upset for phone mom, I told you na how badly I talked with Avni yesterday. I don't know she will forgive me or not.

(Vibha aunty knows about Avni means about Siddharth love Avni)

Vibha aunty : dont worry, as much as I understood that girl she is so sweet and understanding. So, I can bet on it that she will definitely understand your point of view.

Siddharth : yeah, I hope so.

Vibha aunty : and you better say sorry to her.

Siddharth : yes mom.

They were talking when someone knocks the door. It's someone they don't know.

Aunty went to answer the door.

Vibha aunty : yes? (She asked him who is he?).

Stay tuned.

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