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Siddharth didn't think about it too much, but his subconscious mind mix up the things and he dreamt that Avni is Avneet's sister.

He wake up in middle of night with sweat. He took up her phone and check the time it's 4:00 Am.

In us, we all grow up with the belief that if you saw a dream around 4-6 AM means that is related to your life.

Siddharth POV

It was so drastic, Avni can't be sister of Avneet. I am thinking rubbish now.

He thinks for a minute.

But, why I feel like there is some connection between Avni and Avneet kaur nandra.

Like I got a job in Avneet's company on three times more pay.

Then I win a bike, not just it. When someone bully me he get suspended within a day.

Looks like, someone is protecting me behind a scene. If, Avni is this rich it can be possible that she is related to Avneet kaur.

Because, I noticed that she ask me oftenly, that will I stop hating Avneet and all.

But, Avneet and Avni didn't looks like each other. Both are completely different so they are not siblings I guess.

Oh god!! What I should do?

My phone beeps. It's a message from a company.

Text --- Siddharth Nigam, we are going to Tokyo for a shoot just because few members had some major family issues we need some extra crew there.

So, will you join us, if yes, send your passport details to us.

Siddharth thought to deny. But then he thought maybe if his doubt is right and Avni have some relation with Avneet then it's a good chance to know this.

So, he send his passport and now he is also going to TOKYO.

Avneet is not aware of this yet.

Stay tuned.

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