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Avneet : what do you mean? How will you solve?

Anushka : I promise you, you will get him back in your life, but till then you will listen and follow all my instructions without any argument.

Avneet : hmm.

Anushka : block him!!

Avneet : what? Are you mad or what? I am not going to block him. I want to solve. I don't want to end things between us. (She said almost in a crying tone).

Anushka : listen, I know what I am saying, but he should also value you.

Avneet : Anu, it was me who broke his trust, his heart.

Anushka : you lied to him, but it was not something for hurt him. So stop being a fool.

Avneet : Anu, we can't justify what I did?

Anushka : I am not even justifying, but I see you value him. But the way he talked he just thinking what you lied to him. Not about your emotions.

Avneet : he must be angry with me. (She is trying to defend him in every way possible because she is feeling guilty from her side)

Anushka : I know, he is angry. But you want him back? Right?

Avneet : yes of course I want him. 🥺🥺🥺

Anushka : so just do what I said.

Avneet : are you sure?

Anushka : Yes... For next few days you won't contact him.

Avneet is not agree on this but she know that Siddharth is not even ready to see her face.

So only Anushka can solve things between them.

Siddharth kept thinking about his conversation with Anushka. But he is still not ready to forgive her.

Siddharth didn't even try to contact her for two days.

Two days passed away,

Avneet is feeling so helpless and restless because Anushka is not letting her go to talk to Siddharth to solve things.

Stay tuned.

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