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This hug was like something make her heart awaken with new kinda feelings she never felt in her life.

Siddharth : I can't tell you today, how much happy I am today!! You are the best person I ever met, so selfless, so admirable. (Said when tightening his grip of hug)

Avneet arms are like frozen, she wants to hug him back, but she is not able to do that.

Siddharth feels like maybe this sudden hug make her feel awkward so he step back breaking hug.

Siddharth : I am sorry in all this happiness, I didn't realised what I am doing.

Avneet : it's fine, friends can hug, right?

Siddharth : of course. (He smiled)

Avneet : so, can we go for a drive now?

Siddharth : my pleasure.

Siddharth feels so happy when he sit on the bike, holding their handles he is feeling like the happiest person in this world.

Siddharth : sit? (Ask Avni to sit)

Siddharth : sit? (Ask Avni to sit)

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Avneet : sure?

Siddharth : yups. I will drop you to your place first.

Avneet : no no, it's okay I will manage.

Siddharth : Avni, please sit yaar, let me do something for you.

Avneet sit on bike, and she told a random address to him to drop at that place.

Siddharth drive slowly and they reached at the place.

Avneet : just stop here!!

Siddharth : where do you live?

Avneet : I live in this colony I will go walking from here?

Siddharth : I can drop you at your door step, I won't mind.

Avneet : but my neighbors will mind, my friend, you can understand what can people around us can think, if they see us together.

Siddharth : no you tell me, Miss Avni, what they can think? (He asked teasingly)

Avneet : what? You know that Siddharth, stop teasing me!! (She said with hardcore blush)

Siddharth : no I really don't know.

Avneet : so let it be. (Shyly)

Stay tuned.

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