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Avneet take a deep breath and asked her manager " What is next? ".

Manager : mam, we have some brand shoots, an advertisement shoot, then you are invited a party of a Bollywood sensational artist in evening 5?

Avneet : today?

Manager : yes mam, but we can easily manage that now, we have 6 hours left to finish brand shoot and advertisements.

Avneet : no, I am not going to the party at evening, I want that time for myself.

Manager : but mam, we committed to go there, the media channels will wait for you in guests. And you know na, if you won't go in that party media will assume that you have some personal conflict with that Bollywood star. It may start a fan war.

Avneet : I don't care.

Manager : but mam....

Anushka joined them in conversation.

Anushka : what's going on?

Avneet : nothing. (She smiled)

Manager : mam, so what should I do?

Avneet : do one thing, Anushka will go on my behalf and you can make excuse that I am not fine.

Manager : mam, this excuse won't work, you are on shoot today, so many media camera's will capture you. How can we lie in evening?

Anushka : but why you want to skip this party, almost all the Bollywood, Singers, Cricketers will come to his party, no one misses this grand party.

Avneet : but I do, I am different from others. (She is not ready to choose that party over a meeting with Siddharth)

Manager : uhmm.... I am suggesting because I think everyone is eagerly waiting for your performance in that birthday party.

Avneet : but I have my own commitments too.

Anushka : commitments with? (She looked at her)

Avneet : I mean, I am committed to give that time to my body to get relax.

Anushka : But this is once in a year event.

Stay tuned.

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