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Anushka came running.

Anushka : what the hell were you doing? (She slapped her)

Avneet : I don't want this face, this look, he hates my beauty. Today I feel like this beauty is a curse for me.

Anushka hugged her tightly and calm her down somehow.

Avneet is crying constantly.

Anushka : don't cry, you want Siddharth.

Avneet nodded.

Anushka : so just relax I will make sure that I will sort everything between him and you, at least I will bring him to listen to you once.

Avneet : promise?

Anushka : yes I swear on you and you know that, Your sister can do anything for you. So you just don't worry I promise I will convince him in anyway to come to you.

Avneet : I trust you.

Anushka : but you have a swear on me, that you won't harm yourself. (She put her hand on her head)

Avneet nodded and promised her.

Anushka take care of her whole night.


Siddharth reached the airport, even his heart is heavy but he is so disappointed that the girl he loved so much break his heart.

Siddharth POV

I was not thinking this bad, why god why you did that to me?

Stay Strong Siddharth.

Avneet I will never forgive you for what you did. You broke my heart. You played with my feelings.

I can't stop tears flowed from my eyes.

I wait on airport and at last at 2 AM I board into a flight and came back to my hometown by next evening.

It takes extra 7 hours to me to reach my hometown, when at night I get to know that Avneet and her crew also returned to India.

I know they will try to contact me to join job, because I still didn't resigned when I got a shock when I get an email from company.

That "I am fired".

Stay tuned

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