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One more day passed away,

On breakfast table.

Avneet : Anushka, now it's enough. I am dying here with the thought of losing him. I want him back I will go and talk to him today.

Anushka : Avu, please yaar just few more days. Hold yourself.... I promise I will sort out things really soon.

Avneet : but how? (Now she is feeling insecure)

Anushka : I have something in my mind.

Avneet : he won't forgive me this soon yaar, I have to go and apologize to him.

Anushka : yes, you should.... But let him get ready to listen to you. Okay?

Avneet : but what are we exactly doing? I am not understanding anything. Like this I will lose him. (She is really feeling so insecure)

Anushka : just 4 more days.

Avneet nodded.

Meanwhile in office,

Siddharth went to receptionist.

Siddharth : good morning.

Receptionist : good morning.

Siddharth : uhm.... I want to ask you something. (He is so hesitated)

Receptionist : what happened Siddharth?

Siddharth : yeah everything is alright, actually I was just asking about Avneet Mam and Anushka mam. I mean it's been 3-4 days they didn't arrived at office.

Receptionist : yeah, it's normal.

Siddharth : hmm... It's normal I know. (Now he can't lie to himself that he is missing the presence of Avneet in his life)

Receptionist : you know what? (She lean her face ahead to whisper something)

Siddharth : what?

Receptionist (whisper) : I get to know through someone that Avneet mam is going to get married with Bollywood Actor Rishabh Malhotra.

Siddharth is shocked.

Siddharth : no way, how can she do this to me?

Receptionist : what?

Siddharth : uhm.... Nothing.

Siddharth left the receptionist counter but after that whole day, he is worried.

Receptionist (to Anushka on call) : mam, he asked me about Avneet mam so I told him what you told me.

Stay tuned.

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