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Avneet : hello.

Her PA : good afternoon mam.

Avneet : bad afternoon, I am realising now that how selfishly my staff is working. (She stated in anger)

Her PA : what happened mam?

Avneet : I have no time to tell you everything right now, but trust me I will punish each and everyone of you later, right now connect this call to Manager of AK's Paradise.

Her PA : okay mam.

Avneet is connected with the reception first, then the call being forwarded to Manager.

Manager : good afternoon mam, such a dream come true moment for me that you called me?

Avneet : yeah yeah, you must be dreaming right? That's why you have no time to meet people I sent to you.

Manager : sorry mam, but I didn't understand.

Avneet : where are you?

Manager : in office mam working on a very important project.

Avneet : leave everything I sent a boy siddharth, gave him the job of crew member. Understood and yeah don't tell him that I recommend him.

Manager : okay mam, as you say.

Avneet cuts the call, calm herself down, And came out. And siddharth got a call from the manager.

Siddharth walk inside the cabin.

Manager offer him job directly on pay of ₹45000 per month, which is 3 times more than he was getting in restaurant he was working.

He is shocked but so happy. He thanked him. And later Avneet went in but she didn't get the job, as she didn't recommend herself.

Because she knows she can't work in this company.

Her vacations are going to end within 4 days from now.

Avneet came with sad face, pretending like she is sad because she did not get the job.

Siddharth : what happened?

Avneet : uhm.. There is no job available for me.

Siddharth : oh.

Avneet : but congratulations, you get a job.

Siddharth : no way, I am not selfish to work here without you. When you only bring me here.

Stay tuned.

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