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Avneet : Anushka, you are not understanding yaar, hiding my identity was really important that time, because he hate Avneet.

Anushka : he still hate you, I saw that.

Avneet feel more broken when Anushka said this.

Anushka : relax, don't cry first of all for someone who didn't even think twice before leaving you crying.

Avneet : but Anushka, I lied to him. It was not his fault. It was expected and obvious, I break his heart.

Anushka : he did the same, so it's equal now. You don't have to feel guilty, you lied but he lied too.

Avneet : what? (Asked sobbing)

Anushka : that he loves you.

Avneet : no, he didn't lied to me, he really loved me as Avni.

Anushka : but he hates your real identity.

Avneet : yes he told me in the beginning only that he hate me.

Anushka : you still think it was love, Avu, his love is for your appearance as Avni.

Avneet : Anushka, what is special in that appearance what he loved, it was his purity that he loved me in that appearance.

Anushka : nope, it was his ego which made him reject the real love of his life standing in front of her. If his hate for you more than a love then forget him.

Avneet : no I can't.

Anushka : Avneet, please.... Try to understand, he don't deserve you.

Avneet remains silent and kept crying.

Anushka : give me a minute, I will be back.

Avneet : hmm.

Anushka left.

When the words of Siddharth is ringing in her ears.

"I hate this beautiful face"

This statement is constantly ringing in her ears.

Avneet (not in a state to think anything) : he hate my face.

She break the glass made up of glass. And take a piece to harm her face.

Luckily, Anushka came before she could do any harm to herself.

Stay tuned

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