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Vibha aunty : I know, her past decision affected our lives, but you also know that it wasn't happened anything with intention against us.

Siddharth is listening only but right now he is not ready to understand anything.

Siddharth : hmm maybe, I will think about it mom.

He bid a goodbye to aunty and left for office.

His mother prayed that God will help him to take right decisions at right time.

Siddharth reached office.


Avneet and Anushka reached their residence early morning only.

So, Anushka asked Avneet to rest today at home.

It's 10 AM

Avneet : No, Anushka I can't rest until I sort things with Siddharth, I need to go and say sorry to her.

Anushka : Avu, just relax. Give him at least one day to digest that The Avneet Kaur Nandra loves him. I promise he will come to you himself.

Avneet : but if he won't come back to me. How will I live without him, Anu. (With tears in her eyes)

Anushka : so, just wish that he loves you the same the way you loves him.

Avneet : I don't know anything, I don't want to think anything, I made mistake, I lied to him in greed to stay with him for long as possible. It all was my mistake. (She said crying)

Anushka : hey, calm down. (Anushka cup his face) shh 🤫 just relax. This is the time testing your patience and his love. Because, if he loved your specific look. Then forget him.

Avneet : noooo. I can't. (😭😭😭)

Anushka : okay okay, please don't cry. I promise he will come back to you.

Avneet : Anushka, please solve it for me. You are my only family member. Please. (She said in a requesting tone)

Anushka : yeah yeah, this is without saying, you know I can do anything for you my sister.

Stay tuned.

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