Chapter 90

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I wasn't even anxiously waiting for Chris and I's evening alone, I was hornily waiting and by that I mean, everything he did was driving me nuts. Right now he was outside running around and playing with Dodger while I stood inside, leaning against the counter and watching. Something about him just running was enough to have me ready to beg for us to leave right now. Especially as I stood there and imagined him and Theo running and playing in the yard with Dodger and then eventually with all of our future children. While I didn't miss being pregnant, that thought alone made me want to let him knock me up again right now. At this point, I was ready to do it on the counter, outside in the grass, in the pantry, in the pool, or literally anywhere if he would just fuck me and possibly put a baby in me. I'd already packed all of our stuff so we can leave as soon as Chris is ready to go but I'm starting to think he's avoiding it. I was still standing there when he came back inside so he came over to kiss me softly. He tried to pull back but I kept him there and pulled his body to mine. I deepened the kiss and immediately reached for the waistband of his pants. "Cassie, no." he mumbled as he pulled away

"I can't even put into words how horny I am right now. Why don't you want to do this? I thought you'd be practically dragging me out of here to get to it."

"Trust me, baby, I want to and you know that I do but I'm worried you're rushing into it for my sake."

"No, I can promise you that I want this more than you do so stop overthinking it and take me away for a long night. I need you to do unspeakable things to me like you used to do."

"Are you sure?"

I took his hand from my waist and led it under the sundress I was wearing. "Find out for yourself."

His hand immediately trailed along my thigh until he found my panties. I knew by now they were just as wet as I was and he could easily tell that with one touch. He let his fingers slip beneath them so they could run along my slit. "I think it's time to go." he told me softly

"Mhm, you've been driving me nuts all damn day."

"I didn't do anything."

"You may not have tried to but I'm thinking about all the possibilities and then watching you be all hot. It's making me want another damn baby already."

"Don't tempt me."

"I know I probably can't get pregnant right now because I'm breastfeeding but I'm about willing to risk it."

"If you want to play with fire then you know I'm in. Should we tempt fate? Just leave it all up to chance?"

"I mean as long as I'm breastfeeding we should be golden but I thought we agreed to wait before trying."

"You brought it up."

"Cause I thought you were the reasonable one."

"Nope, I was reasonable for the first baby so either you be reasonable or no one is. Besides, it's your body that has to do it twice in a row so close together if we're not careful."

"I don't even care."

"We'll see how you feel about that when you're not so horny and hormonal."

"I'll never not be horny, have you seen my husband? I married the finest man on the planet and you think at someone point I'm not going to want to climb you like you're a tree?"

"I figure at some point it'll wear off."

"Not for me, I will always think the dirtiest things when I watch you do anything and I will always be trying to figure out how to get in your pants. My number one mission every day is to get you naked."

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